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Messages - erci

Pages: [1]
Lived in Jackson Heights from 1944 until 1980.


Where did you live?  I lived on 93rd St. from 1939 until 1942 when we moved to 89-14, 34th Ave. I left Jackson Heights in 1954.

It was so good to have those empty fields ('The Lots') to play in.

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Archie Bunker lived in Jackson Heights.
« on: December 01, 2010, 06:47:20 PM »
Some claim that the popular TV series was about a dysfunctional family which lived in Astoria but the events took place, in the mid-60's, on 85th St. between 31st and 32nd Ave. in Jackson Heights.

Archie was Mickey (Michael) Morse who worked for the NYC Sewer Department (much like 'Norton' of Jackie Gleason fame). The other cast members were; his wife, Bea (Beatrice), his daughter, Linda, and Linda's husband, Steve, who took the part of 'meathead.' At a certain point Steve disappeared and was never heard from again. None of us ever found out what happened to him.

Bea's sister, Mimi, was witness to it all and happened to know a TV producer whose interest was piqued by her descriptions of, as she called it, "mayhem at the Morse's." The series finally ran as a popular U.S. TV show after first showing as a British version throughout the U.K.

All of the participants are now dead but some of us remember them.  Do you?


If you are an "OLDTIMER" who lived in Jackson Heights prior to 1950, you might want to drop a line here.

Just tell us who you are/were, and where you lived, and just about anything else you'd like to say.

There isn't a heck of a lot of time left... We are dropping like flies now. :'(

Does anyone remember this building? I lived there during the late 30's and early 40's.  Was the name really "Park Lark?"

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