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Messages - terrencelee

Pages: [1]
This was explained in another thread.

thx, i read it on the other thread after i posted here. and the check has already been sent it.

Restaurants & Food / Re: New Trader Joes in Queens
« on: June 07, 2010, 04:23:45 PM »
i was searching EVERYWHERE for an organic food store that sold meat here in queens, couldnt find a damn thing. then i stumbled accross trader joes purely by accident. this is just what we needed here.

in short, *bump* as this is something everyone who lives here should know about that eats organic or antibiotic free chicken/beef/pork/veggies

Pets and Animals / Re: Dog Walker Needed
« on: June 06, 2010, 09:36:25 AM »
aww thank you :)

Restaurants & Food / Re: Diners / Coffee Shops
« on: June 05, 2010, 05:09:41 PM »
theyre ok, just a generic diner...nothing to write home about but they do the trick :) i was actually there about an hour ago since our first attempt at breakfast failed miserably at Slims bagels. both our orders were f-ing horrible

i asked a chap today who was there and he told me it was on the form, i looked again and bingo :) well get it filled out and sent in so were not locked out in the cold so to speak. it is a very nice space.

Restaurants & Food / Re: so many cafe nuevas...
« on: June 05, 2010, 01:57:21 PM »
i live on the same block as the one on 85th so im a bit dissapointed that i dont have much use for it. the only thing there i can really eat is the ceaser salad since we dont eat beef or pork. pretty much everything on the menu is pork or beef based.

and they do serve spanish breakfast, but im a boring old american from the midwest so i like things like waffles omelletes grits etc. they only have one american breakfast and its also heavy on the meat :p

sucks too because we love eating outdoors but theres just nothing on the menu for us. and we rarely see more than the rare straggler sitting outside in the outdoor area.

Moderator Note:  The discussion on diners has been moved to the following thread:  Diners / Coffee Shops

Restaurants & Food / Re: so many cafe nuevas...
« on: June 05, 2010, 10:18:52 AM »
there are 3 i believe. all within 2 blocks. not that their bad, but i just never see that much foot traffic in the largest one, it makes me wonder why they need them all?

id enjoy them a lot more if they served breakfast :p

seems like a lot of jumping through hoops to use a dog run....after i fill out the application where  do i send it? im looking but not seeing an address :/

the membership thing is kinda ridiculous...membership only would be fine for certain days but requiring i file my vaccination records??? ive never heard of that being asked at any dog park anywhere else in the city.

if its gonna take an arm and a leg to get in ill probably just stick with my private backyard since vaccinations wont stop aggressive dogs from showing up.

Pets and Animals / Re: Dog Walker Needed
« on: June 04, 2010, 10:18:51 PM »
i live on 85th street and 37th and have 3 whippets. i was considering starting a dog walking business, if  you havent found anyone and are still looking PM me and id be more than happy to help.

im reliable and have a large private fenced backyard id be happy to let them run around in during the day.
good luck on your search!

Restaurants & Food / so many cafe nuevas...
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:50:53 PM »
we live on 85th st and 37th ave, why are there so many cafe  nuevas in our area? are they owned by different people? or are they just that popular?

cant wait!!!! should be a lot of fun! i just wish lydias was still around :/

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