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Messages - KMC

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Classical Acupuncture & Old-Style "Sobador" Available for Your Health in Queens & Manhattan


Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a dedicated Classical Chinese Medicine licensed practitioner available in Jackson Heights to treat you & restore your health. Get rid of your pain and lose your fatigue, stress, digestive issues or whatever ails you. Our special way of "Classical Medicine" works with over 60 meridians (not just the usual 14) so you have more treatment options. We also work with herbs and essential oils. We work with chronic health concerns as well.

"Sobador" Massage by an Indigenous native is also available for those who would like to combine this with acupuncture treatments or have this treatment done by itself. This is a special type of traditional massage that helps to re-align tendons, ligaments, bone and muscles, and heal old or new injuries. Relief for painful musculo-skeletal issues. Some people like a general treatment for general tune-up too.
Feel free to contact our team at 718-844-0105 to make an appointment at our office or if you have any questions.

Home visits are available for those who due to their health issue cannot travel.
We are set up to accept insurance.

Essential Oils are derived from natural plant materials and used for health, beauty and aromatic health benefits that include emotional health.
I am considering teaching an essential oil workshop in the area and was wondering if there was interest in the topic?

Los aceites esenciales son derivados naturales de plantas y son usados para la salud, belleza y usos aromaticos para la salud emocional.
Estaba considerando ensenar un curso sobre aceites esenciales en el area y queria saber si hubier personas interesadas en este tema?

Favor opinar y avisar si el curso lo quisieran en espanol o ingles; please feel free to reply and advise your language preferences.

I am a licensed acupuncturist who works in the area and incorporates essential oils into the work I do along with my partner who works with traditional healing, and was thinking to pass on some of my knowledge about essential oils so people can gain better control of their health, especially for preventative health. If you need more info to see if interested in taking class you can see here

Soy acupuncturista licensiada que trabaje en la area y uso los aceites esenciales en mi trabajo, junto a mi pareja que es sobador traditional, pues pense compartir algo de la informacion sobre los aceites esenciales para que la gente pueda tener mejor control de su propia salud en una forma sana y tambien preventiva. Si quieren ver mas info antes pueden ver aqui

If you would like to try acupuncture, or have had acupuncture in the past with little success, feel free to call us with any questions at 718-844-0105 or in Spanish at 917-284-0105.

I am a licensed acupuncturist trained in the classical method of Acupuncture which uses the various meridian systems and techniques to get to the root cause and LEVEL where your healing needs to take place.

Treatments are very individualized and time is taken with each person to ensure good, quality care. Treatment packages are available offered to make your health care more affordable. Most insurances and worker's comp is accepted.

For problems with sprains, tendons, ligaments or falls, we offer the services of an indigenous native "sobador" specialist.

Herbs are are used for treatment.

Location in Jackson Heights, Queens and Manhattan.

Searching for a suitable commercial space or shared office space with room for rent. Or a nice space that I can rent when its not in use. Just received notice that my current shared office space is moving! and I need to locate a space ASAP as I cannot re-locate too far from trains!

Looking for a small commercial space to rent or a room where I can have my licensed healing practice. Ideally there is some sunlight/windows. Rental of a 1st floor of a house or nice sub-basement is also okay.

Any ideas?

Interested to rent one room that would be good environment for therapeutic holistic treatments by a licensed practitioner in an established office or practice....just got notice my shared office space would be moving--moving too far.

Or a small commercial space that is not too far from train in Jackson Heights.

Possible 1st floor of house or nice sub-basement also ok.

Any leads?


Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a dedicated Classical Chinese Medicine licensed practitioner available in Jackson Heights to treat you & restore your health. Get rid of your pain and lose your fatigue, stress, digestive issues or whatever ails you. Our special way of "Classical Medicine" works with over 60 meridians (not just the usual 14) so you have more treatment options. We also work with herbs and essential oils. We work with chronic health concerns as well.

"Sobador" Massage by an Indigenous native is also available for those who would like to combine this with acupuncture treatments or have this treatment done by itself. This is a special type of traditional massage that helps to re-align tendons, ligaments, bone and muscles, and heal old or new injuries. Relief for painful musculo-skeletal issues. Some people like a general treatment for general tune-up too.
Feel free to contact our team at 718-844-0105 to make an appointment at our office or if you have any questions.

Home visits are available for those who due to their health issue cannot travel.
We are set up to accept insurance.

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