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Messages - pioneer

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: Rudy volcano location
« on: June 26, 2012, 10:52:09 AM »
wow I leave you kids alone for a few days and the moderators are dropping bold print on you?  tsk tsk.  

I was kidding about the gentleman's club going into Rudy Volcano.

[Moderators note: Okay, that's enough trolling.  You're taking a break.]

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Rudy volcano location
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:17:22 PM »
it's no joke, dssjh is just passive-aggressive like that.  He knows when school is out because he creeps the libraries when he can't get to the kids.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Rudy volcano location
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:30:49 PM »
There's a gentleman's club going in there.

so a judge -- the BOSS of a lowly peon cop -- is a "hostile"?

that must put Joe Crowley on the FBI 10 Most Wanted list

Your true feelings towards the establishment undermines your credibility.  "lowly peon cop"?  The judge wasn't hostile, the crowd was according to the article.  The judge was a day tripper, out of his element and lost.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: NY1: Trade Fair Truck Driver Attacks Dromm
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:19:25 PM »
[Moderators Note: Several posts removed for trolling and off-topic comments.  Please follow the forum rules.]

Lindsey, you're apples to oranges.  Taking a prisoner surrounded by hostiles is alot different from a mope in the checkout line.  Maybe we need to go shopping together?

The cops have radios, and know what they're doing.  The man who was struck was out of place; an old man sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.  Why didn't he address the police officers?  Because he was antagonistic in a most passive aggressive way.  Why didn't he ask the cops directly?  From the story as presented, i think he got what he deserved.  No permanent damage, and a good reminder to mind his own business.  He wasn't in his courtroom, he was in the street and got taken out like the rest of the trash.  That's they way it went down, not what I think.

name calling, that's mature.  So is a proxied threat of knocking my teeth out.  Your reaction is typical, "someone's different than me so I must attack them" posturing.  
I'll give a tip for the more enlightened readers.  Know the desk number to your local precinct.  See something questionable?  Call the desk and give them the headsup, if it's legit they'll tell you to hangup and call 911.  If it's nothing, they'll move you along.  If you really have beef with local establishment, talk to your congressman, that's whay they're there for.
Planesland, nice try at putting words in my mouth and you couldn't be more wrong about weapon ownership.  We as a society learned long ago "no guns in town". That's my position on weapon ownership.

ellen and planesland, you're both wrong.  The guy with the gun is the boss, and violence is the ruler of the earth.  Humanity IS survival of the fittest, don't ever forget that.  I've seen nothing to suggest that the judge was "helping" the cops.  This isn't Kansas, it's NYC where the weak are killed and eaten. 
Where did this old man get off thinking that he has the skill or ability to mix it up in a crowd of loonies surrounding 2 boys in blue?  Cops aren't cry babies, civilians are.  The cop will ALWAYS win, so why argue?  What was the old man doing there?  He was rabble rousing.  Cops are more effective at calling for backup than a civilian bitching at 911.  You think they were in over their heads?  Wrong, the guy that got chopped in the throat was, and now it sounds like a half dozen cops are involved just because some pain in the ass old man didn't have the sense to keep walking and got his feelings hurt.
Who was the guy on the ground?  Does anyone even care or know what he did in the first place?  No, because he's just your soapbox to spit off of. 
The 115 is one of the best precincts in the city, protecting the wierdos and the weak from the wolves.  if you're not in trouble, don't bother the cops and mind your own business.

What did the old man do to piss off the cop?  I don't believe that the cop just wilded out on a random bystander.  The old man was a fool for standing there contributing to the mayhem, and did something to deserve the chop. Cops don't put people face down in cuffs for no reason.  The Seargent conducted a peer poll when he spoke to the crew (the suspected cop walked off because he didn't want to hear the vote), and the crew said the old man deserved it.  That's how it works kids.  Here's a quick guide for dealing with police;

1.  The cop is the boss.
2.  Don't make him say anything twice.
3.  Give honest, direct answers, not manipulative bullshit.
4.  In the event of a question, see rule #1

If you want to be treated as a friendly, act like one.  

Not everyone is meant to live in NYC.  If you want Kansas, it's the other way.

it's principal, not principle.  This principal has no principles.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Dancing lights overhead
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:13:11 PM »
The 4 converging lights are from a light truck, used for promotional purposes.  The point where they converge is usually 'straight up', so X marks the spot so to speak.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Drunks situation on 37th Road and 75th...
« on: March 04, 2012, 09:38:05 AM »
gotta know how to handle zombies kids.  In jackson heights they come out at night.  They do all over the city to an extent, some neighborhoods get it worse than others. 

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