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Messages - JH Transplant

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise
« on: March 23, 2009, 03:20:26 PM »
Thanks for providing that info n5460n. I agree with you StevenGrey that using a shorter runway as opposed to one over water seems foolish. I heard the noise as early as 7:30AM yesterday and thought I'd go nuts. Usually when work is going to be done (and therefore flight plans will be changed) the Community Board is notified, but no one from Laguardia has contacted them. I called the CB to complain and they said they'll pass along the issue to their manager. They couldn't have been nicer, but I was only the second person to complain. If you want to let them know you're hearing planes too see this link for their contact info: .

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