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Messages - marntamb

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: 10 cool & 10 suck things of JH 11372
« on: June 26, 2009, 11:26:06 AM »
Wow. You really don't get it? I am attacking the perspective that this place needs to be changed to suit you. Making this a place with stinky cheese spots and yoga studios will change the very nature of jackson heights.  Furthermore, you see nothing wrong with people saying that "The Latinos" are a really "cool" thing about jackson heights? You are more offended by my speaking out about this?
I am from an immigrant family and these areas where we can connect with our culture are rare and important. I just wish there was a little more acknowledgement about the impact of you thinking our communities are cool and exotic and yet wanting to change them.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 10 cool & 10 suck things of JH 11372
« on: June 26, 2009, 09:18:32 AM »
Actually I am a person of color who is extremely offended by these posts but thank you for ignoring the content of what I was saying. We are in the midst of gentrification here that will eventually push the families here out. It is a process that has run people of color out of their neighborhoods all over this city and I just wish there was some acknowledgement of what williamsburg expats moving here and wanting yoga studios actually means. Thank you for pointing out that I am a graduate student who needs to find ways to make ends meet. Now I can no longer keep that post here. 

Community Trade and Classifieds / please remove
« on: June 26, 2009, 09:13:44 AM »
please remove

Community Trade and Classifieds / please remove
« on: June 26, 2009, 09:13:06 AM »
please remove

Hello, I am 28 year old child female psychologist in training and former teacher. I'm available for part-time/occasional babysitting or tutoring for the summer. I work with all age groups and am known as a creative and fun therapist and teacher. Send me a message and I will get back to you with my contact info.

When outsiders move into a neighborhood that is already well established and affordable for the ethnic groups that call it home and have called it home for generations..
When these outsiders bitch about the lack of yoga studios, bars with ambiance, and coffee shops...
When these outsiders compare the neighborhood to the previous neighborhood they left (i.e. williamsburg) because it was already too overrun with their tribe...
When they complain that the families that they now live among are irritated by their acoustic guitar playing and cigarette smoking in front of the building...
When the newcomers who are raising rents to twice the rate they currently are for working families...
When the newcomers feel so hip and "adventurous" for living amongst the "ethnic" groups and being able to eat their exotic foods..

We know are in the midst of gentrification but the fact that so many of you are not even hiding your colonization of this neighborhood is even more frightening.

Don't you understand that when you demand the cultural elements of your previous neighborhood you are killing the very "diversity" that you are now touting as some badge of your hipness??...At this a few years jh will be williamsburg.

Please read the post "10 cool & 10 suck things of JH 11372" to see such blatant ethnocentric racist and classist comments such as the following: Cool about jh: "The Latinos"
              Suck about jh: "No solar panels," "Lack of European (re:yuppie) flared bar or bistro"
              Wine and cheese      Advantage WB (as in williamsburg)

Hello, I am 28 year old child female psychologist in training and former teacher. I'm available for part-time/occasional babysitting or tutoring for the summer. I work with all age groups and am known as a creative and fun therapist and teacher. Please give me a call and we can set up a time for me to meet with your family. Lisa 917-328-9311.

Neighborhood Chat / Stolen Mail Packages. Anyone else?
« on: February 15, 2009, 06:09:03 PM »
I had a package delivered to my apartment building a few weeks back. It was confirmed by USPS and the company that shiped it. Unfortunetly I never received it. I live in the buildings on 34th and 82nd and it seems that it was stolen from either the downstairs area or at my front door. Apparently another guy in my complex had his brand new dining room chairs stolen from the foyer as well. Anyone else experience this?

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