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Messages - Sosa

Pages: [1]
Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Handyman recommendations?
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:59:29 AM »
It also depends on condition and amount of work. Do you need just painting? spackling? Do you need a a primer first? My husband  charges $25 hr plus you need to buy materials. This is pretty standard-even hiring someone off the street.

Hi bellabella. I have a friend who could use handyman services. How can I get her in touch with your handyman husband? She just moved in and needs things like - taking apart some ikea furniture, fixing a hinge on an armoire, hanging some shelves in a closet - etc. Please, contact me  - 347-484-6001. thanks

Who doesn't like pancakes?

I went there with my family, left a hat behind (it was handmade by a friend so I really want to get it back) so I called the place when we got home (10 minutes later). The "manager" answered but before I could get the words out of my mouth he said "Open 24 hours" and hung up.

I called back, but he heard my voice and hung up on me. My boyfriend called and the "manager" hung up on him too. We called for over 30 minutes and the calls went to voicemail or rang or was busy.

When I got through again, the same manager answered. I implored him not to hang up and asked for someone who spoke English. He obliged and passed me onto a woman to whom I explained I was looking for my hat. She looked and found nothing (two other sets of patrons had been there since I left) and she suggested I call later.

Asking why the "manager" hung up on me the response was "Maybe he didn't understand what you were saying".  I don't understand that!  Okay, a place of business, a customer calls, and you hang up? Why not just pass the phone over to someone who speaks the language?

It's a head scratcher for me.

I'm on 78th and 35th, I've got T-Mobile and it works great. My boyfriend has AT&T and barely gets a signal here.

Anyone have Metro PCS? I'm wondering how their reception is.

Business Listings and Services Directory / PORTFOLIO / SERVICES
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:55:28 AM »

I can help you update, organize or create your portfolio, prepare a digital presentation of your work or get that website up and running.

In this unstable economy companies are downsizing and cutting back on every position. I learned the hard way to be prepared.

There are Creative Professionals (Landscape Architects, Architects, Landscapers, and many more) who need a portfolio or website but may not have the current graphic skills or the time to organize them. I've been in the field of graphic art for 30 years, and have worked on a wide range of projects. My greatest strength however, is helping individuals get themselves prepared!

I can help you update, organize or create your portfolio, prepare a digital presentation of your work or get that website up and running.

Contact Martha at SOLVEDNY@GMAIL.COM

Neighborhood Chat / Re: NYT Article Criticizing JH
« on: January 07, 2009, 01:44:09 PM »
I find there is some validity to what he's saying.  I for one have had a very hard time making friends here in JH, other than a chat in the street or hallway and a nod in the supermarket.  One young couple from California told me upon the completion of their first year here that it was difficult for them too, that they found people to be in cliques and had difficulty making friends - and they worked and lived here. 

I think it is very challenging for so many different ethic groups to live so close together and especially to overlap.  It may be easy to think that we can easily move in and out of the different groups because we've developed a love for cultural diversity through our own travels but really, people cling to what they know, what makes us feel safe and many are far away from home and may have their safety guards up.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: A Generational Struggle over Park Space
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:24:15 PM »
Travers park, the entire neighborhood, would benefit from more green space indeed! If they do acquire more space we have to prevent them from turning it into some little used, limited purpose space like the "storytelling" area (where the exercise equipment once lived on the lower part of the park next to the basketball court)! That's a hideous waste of space!

Anyone have information on if they plan to continue barring cars on 78th Street between Garden School and the park?

Thank you sooo much for a fabulous translation!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Inconsiderate neighbors
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:10:45 AM »
So sorry you are experiencing this. I've dealt with it myself and found you have to document everything, and expect it to take some time to resolve. You may actually be lucky and have it end quickly if they are decent people.

First, I've knocked and politely talked to the noisy neighbors. It is sometimes hard to keep from getting mad but it's important to keep cool. Make a note of the date and time and conversation. If they don't answer the door, make note of that and then write a polite note and slip it under the door. If the noise is seriously out of hand call 911 and get a report, keep a copy of everything and document conversations.

Each time there is an incident, do the same routine, knock and converse, or write the note and keep a written copy. When you have a few unresolved incidents (even if you've had periods of quiet in between - because people travel) gather your documentation and send to the board if a coop and or management accompanied by a letter requesting that something be done and request a response from the agent/board. Send it registered mail to the management and if the board members live in the building, get each one a copy.  If it's a coop the noisey offenders are often in violation of their proprietary lease and can be in danger of loosing their shares.

No matter what, there is always something to be done but often you have to be persistent, document and be polite! That always wins in the end.

good luck

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Lifers ...
« on: December 15, 2008, 01:35:08 PM »
I am "half lifer" and even went to the ER in Physicians Hospital.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Christmas Trees
« on: December 15, 2008, 12:48:13 PM »
We went over to 69th Street just off of Northern Blvd, 1 block away from the bowling alley.  There are a variety of trees being sold there priced from $25 and up.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: where can we donate winter accessories?
« on: December 15, 2008, 12:40:25 PM »
St Marks Church has implemented a coat drive. I am certain gently used winter accessories will be appreciated.
3th Ave and 82nd Street

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