Author Topic: Thief steals safe full of cash and jewelry in Elmhurst  (Read 1447 times)

Offline Shelby2

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Thief steals safe full of cash and jewelry in Elmhurst
« on: June 08, 2011, 08:01:32 PM »

Having a nice strong safe with sturdy locks is not much help if someone can just wheel the whole thing out the door of your apartment. Such a brazen act of criminality was performed, and captured on video, in a building in Elmhurst, Queens, recently.

A surveillance video released by the police Wednesday shows a man entering an elevator at 78-36 46th Avenue on the afternoon of May 3 carrying nothing but a walking cane, and re-entering it more than two and a half hours later, wheeling an office chair atop which sits a large squarish object covered in a white cloth.

The police say that the object beneath the cloth was a safe containing an undetermined amount of cash and jewelry. In an apparent effort at inconspicuousness, the man is wearing a beige kerchief knotted atop his head when he leaves; when he enters, he is bareheaded.

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Offline snickers

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Re: Thief steals safe full of cash and jewelry in Elmhurst
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 03:51:27 PM »
He had to have a vehicle around the corner or something, I just can't picture him
wheeling all of that for blocks. I hope that man walking down the block at the end of the video saw his get away
vehicle at least. Pause it at 42 seconds and you see a red van parked.

2 1/2 hrs is a long time for a burglar, wasn't the safe
bolted down at least? From the looks of him maybe he was preparing a meal or something.
Lets hope he gets arrested and put away for a long time.