Author Topic: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...  (Read 2246 times)

Offline daisy

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 08:41:54 AM »
Ugh, I think my stomach just turned.  That's disgusting.

Offline Beech Court

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 12:14:40 PM »
From the above article: "Spitting in public carries a fine of at least $200, said Alexandra Waldhorn, a spokeswoman for the health department. But shop owners say they have never seen anyone receive a violation."

It seems these days no matter where you go too many people think it's alright to spit whenever and wherever they are. This problem is not limited to the 74th street district. What about the subways?

The evidence from paan may be more visible but I have to wonder about staining concrete. Is that really possible? Seems to me that in the past a daily stiff broom and some detergent always worked. If the merchants can't do it then what about their association?

People are quick to complain about cigarettes and dog poop on the sidewalks but the gum chewers and spitters are no better.

I also channel Gladys Gilbert!

Offline Lilybell

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 12:22:42 PM »
I was just coming here to post the same link.  I always thought those red splotches were from betel nuts (when I lived in Asia people spit betel juice all over and it's a similar red shade).

Some of the stores have signs that say "no paan" - now I understand why. 

Offline dssjh

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2012, 03:35:52 PM »
we have signs around the neighborhood -- and most of the city -- warning that people will be fined if they spit, walk away from their dogs' feces, honk their horns in prohibited zones, speed in school zones and so on and so on.

no fines are ever issued. yet the powers that be continue to waste our tax dollars making more signs.

what the hell is up with that?

Offline fizzster

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2012, 07:22:24 PM »
I think spitters are the worst. It's so unsanitary, not to mention repulsive and gross. Almost every morning on my walk to the 74 St. station I see people spitting (both men and women). And how about the very unwelcome and positively disgusting hawking sound right before the  spit - it's really phlegm, if we're being honest - comes flying out of their mouths? How about airborne nose-blowing? Have you ever witnessed that? My friend's pants were once hit on 37th Ave., if you will excuse the expression, by flying snot. Asians may spit betel juice, but every spitter spits phlegm. I wish we could somehow put a stop to it, but there's no one around (i.e., cops) to hand out tickets. If they have to post signs in SUBWAY CARS that say No Spitting (what kind of animal spits inside the train?) -- what hope do we have of stopping it on our sidewalks?

Offline bellabella

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2012, 11:35:17 AM »
What about the ones who hold one nostril while shooting from the other. I swear that has got to be the most disgusting thing ever!!

Offline dssjh

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Re: In case you were wondering about the stains on the sidewalk...
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 04:37:50 PM »
i think we have a "winner."

bella, that act has creeped me out since i was a kid.