Author Topic: 8410 34th Avenue  (Read 12064 times)

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2008, 05:43:16 PM »

What did the apartment looked like before was it renovated?  I would guess that the unit looks much better then it did before.  Vantage is no different than many landlords out there...they are in it for the money and not for their health.   Vantage does invest in the overall aesthetics of the property and I have been inform that they perform their own renovations...cookie cutter style, but renovations nevertheless.  There is absolutely nothing wrong or illegal here...tacky maybe, but not illegal.  They buy tons of properties that they have identified to have a good balance of non-stabilized rental units and they spend the $$$ where is needed.

On another note:

Many people look at landlords as the bad guys but most RE holdings and conglomerates avoid the strict hand of the NYC agencies and will invest the minimum required at least to avoid major violations.  True that some of these landlords are borderline criminals that refuse to make any type of renovations because they are hoping for the "rent-stabilized" tenant fed up and leave.  I have worked for some of those fellows as well  :'( .  There are many apartments out there that pay a small fraction of what the market can fetch.   While rent controls have pretty  much gone the way of the dinosaur (once the stabilized unit becomes vacant the landlord has many ways to improve and increase the rental price) we as a free people can choose to live where ever we choose to as long as the resources are available.   The problem is that many find themselves displaced from a particular area they really want to stay in or live in. 

When people find themselves priced out of a neighborhood the unfortunate victim of capitalism and circumstances will find ways to blame and dehumanize the landlord or the government or my great grandma who's been dead for a million years.  Hey, some of us don't want to go back to the South Bronx, I don't care how hot or improve the area may be becoming.  This is simply our human condition.  The hardest thing to control in this world is our emotions.  We may have a great poker face but we are a potpourri of emotions ready to burst at any moment. 

Taxes, transportation, fuel cost, wars, government or regulatory agencies as well as wages, construction and maintenance continue climbing and just as we are affected so are landlords, big or small.  Hey, someone has to pay the piper people.  When companies like Vantage come to an area they come because they have identified opportunity just as you and I identify opportunities that can enrich our financial lives.  The byproduct of a large infusion of capital in a building will obviously need to be justified just as when we infuse thousands of dollars into medical bills, education and our families.  Bottom line, they may do it for money and when "WE" don't do it for the money we may do it for personal satisfaction.
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Offline Chuckster

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2008, 06:17:00 PM »
The building I used to live in when I was in Sunnyside was taken over by Vantage, and while they did renovate and make a lot of aesthetic improvements,  the renovations were pretty low budget and cheap.  I saw some of the 'renovated' apartments before I left and they were pretty crappy.  They seem to be breaking into all of our up and coming neighborhoods though. 

Greentea, was the Sunnyside building a rental?  If so, I find it difficult to imagine that an enterprise like Vantage, or any landlord for that matter, would invest in high end renovation materials.  There is a mid-point though, but even then, I think that most would end up taking the low road, possibly due to fears that renters won't take care of the property.  Co-op sponsors have been known to do similar low-end renovations.  Given the original conditions of some vacated apartments though, any fix up can be considered an improvement.
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Offline francis

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2008, 08:13:45 PM »
One thing Vantage did NOT do at several of the properties they purchased in the historic district was to abide by landmark preservation rules.  The building on 35th Ave. diagonally located from St. Joan of Arc church had a beautifully sculptured iron trellis at the entrance of the front garden which was dumped in the garbage.  The gate they put up is much too high and the pointing a catastrophe.  While these buildings look "cleaned up",  they (i.e.Vantage) ultimately did what they wanted without respect to the community as a whole.  By the way, I believe the building at 8410 is called the Boswell--It's a rental, too bad Vantage didn't purchase that too----it's NOT in the historic district and any improvement would be greatly noticeable. the cobblestone tree pit which lines the ave. seems to be a magnet for dog walkers who don't pick up!

Offline APG7714

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2008, 09:05:36 PM »
One thing Vantage did NOT do at several of the properties they purchased in the historic district was to abide by landmark preservation rules.  The building on 35th Ave. diagonally located from St. Joan of Arc church had a beautifully sculptured iron trellis at the entrance of the front garden which was dumped in the garbage.  The gate they put up is much too high and the pointing a catastrophe.  While these buildings look "cleaned up",  they (i.e.Vantage) ultimately did what they wanted without respect to the community as a whole.  By the way, I believe the building at 8410 is called the Boswell--It's a rental, too bad Vantage didn't purchase that too----it's NOT in the historic district and any improvement would be greatly noticeable. the cobblestone tree pit which lines the ave. seems to be a magnet for dog walkers who don't pick up!
The one diagonally across from St Joan of Arc is managed by Urban American , not Vantage  :D
84-10 the very similar one but on 34th ave is managed by Vantage and has an application in for Landmark designation and is being restored 8)
Jackson Heights, NY

Offline Greentea822

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2008, 09:54:14 PM »
My building in sunnyside was a rental, and I'm not saying Vantage did any thing wrong, illegal, or even terrible, I was just saying I was really unimpressed with their idea of renovation, even for a rental.  I've seen much nicer, even in rentals.  Especially since they were raising rents for a one bedroom from just over $1,000 to $1,600!  just an observation, not a condemnation. 

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2008, 09:58:04 PM »
Greentea, I understood you perfectly.  :)
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Offline NYC Native

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2008, 11:35:04 PM »
My building in sunnyside was a rental, and I'm not saying Vantage did any thing wrong, illegal, or even terrible, I was just saying I was really unimpressed with their idea of renovation, even for a rental.  I've seen much nicer, even in rentals.  Especially since they were raising rents for a one bedroom from just over $1,000 to $1,600!  just an observation, not a condemnation. 

Greentea, at $1600 I would condemn them if the renovation is as you mentioned.  If they raised the rent that much I would expect a much better renovation since the guidelines are sketchy but an increase of that size would have to be pretty crafty to get approval by DHCR.  As of now a $2000 price tag would would be required before total destabilization is allowed.

I totally dislike firms that disregard the character of a neighborhood and undermine the established guidelines with loop holes.  I would seriously organize and reach out to these landlords and ask for adherence of the guidelines and if they don't...well, you know.

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Offline Griswold Girl

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2008, 03:12:58 PM »
I agree with Chuckster.  You want to see the building improved but don't want to see anyone evicted through under-handed tactics.

Just found this article on Vantage below:

Offline Griswold Girl

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2008, 03:21:13 PM »
Just noticed--Chuckster beat me to the article.  Sorry for the redundancy.  :D

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2008, 04:15:44 PM »
Do you mean the building between 83th & 84th on the south side?

I'm real confused now.  I thought we started talking about the building bet. 85/84 (84-10 34th Ave.) which is an eyesore.  The building a block over bet. 84/83-- has two entrances, one at 34-10 84th St and the other side is 84-09 83rd St. has been recently landscaped: sod, new wrought iron fences, lamp posts etc.   This building is actually looking really nice.

The one diagonally across from St Joan of Arc is managed by Urban American , not Vantage  :D
84-10 the very similar one but on 34th ave is managed by Vantage and has an application in for Landmark designation and is being restored 8)

The building on 35th Ave. between 84/83 (83-09 35th Ave.) is the one francis is talking about where the old wrought iron trellis was removed and the two brick pillars with planters on top were put in its place.  This building is directly behind the one that is being renovated.  84-10 is not presently being restored.  It's awful looking. 

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Offline JHICON

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2008, 04:19:14 PM »
There are two buildings the one by st joan of arc which i call the private ryan building lol. long story.

but they did a great job redoing the front becuase before it was an eyesoar

as for the one one on  34th ave between 83rd and 84th is the one i think people are mentioning .
I love controversy geezer's brace yourselves lolol.

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2008, 08:22:29 PM »
I believe the building at 84-10 34th Avenue is called the Boswell.  It's a rental, which looks totally neglected and run down from the outside.  It probably was quite nice in its' hey day.   The apartments each have a little outside terrace area. I think if this building is to see real change it has to come from the inside. The tenants, that is.

Offline JHICON

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2008, 11:44:49 AM »
definitely that building has a lot of potential
I love controversy geezer's brace yourselves lolol.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2008, 05:26:10 PM »
Just happened on this 3-minute youtube video showing two apartments and the courtyard of a building at 83rd and 34th. The courtyard is huge, with no landscaping and with at least a few arched passageways that go directly from the courtyard to the street.  Is this the building the OP is talking about ?

Offline APG7714

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Re: 8410 34th Avenue
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2008, 09:27:14 PM »
Just happened on this 3-minute youtube video showing two apartments and the courtyard of a building at 83rd and 34th. The courtyard is huge, with no landscaping and with at least a few arched passageways that go directly from the courtyard to the street.  Is this the building the OP is talking about ?
Nope wrong building , that building actually looks very nice now with lush landscaping.
84-10 is the hideous post war building next door, with broken windows and interior balconies
It is located between The Saybrook and the building you were referring to in the you tube video
Jackson Heights, NY