Author Topic: A Conscious Evolution Workshops- Spring Registration  (Read 979 times)

Offline AbigailL

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A Conscious Evolution Workshops- Spring Registration
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:14:21 AM »
Hi All- Registration is open for this amazing series for the Spring. Here is a brief summary of the workshop. If you are interested in learning more please contact me.

Choose Your Life Story.
A Conscious Evolution is a practice of fearlessness. The willingness to explore outside the box of comfort and to boldly go for your dreams. To not allow the world's consensus view of reality constrain your willingness to use your imagination and push the envelop on ideas that are perceived as naive. It is the willingness to work with unconscious beliefs and heal and transform them so you are a better human being. It's a commitment to becoming a more conscious person so we have a more conscious world.

Discover how to achieve the goals you envision for yourself and gain awareness of beliefs that hold you back. – give yourself the gift of A Conscious Evolution. Allow clarity and commitment and the opportunity to write your life story as you want. Discover what’s possible and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

Closely explore seven areas of life: work, money, the body, relationships, sexuality, emotions and spirituality. In each of these seven areas you are skillfully guided towards the radical courage required to let go of old limiting beliefs and to create fresh new visions for your life. You will discover how to:
? Gain insight into where you are now
? Clearly design the vision of where you want to be
? Uncover and transform limiting beliefs that block you from achieving your vision
? Create the next growth step that enables you to achieve concrete behavior change
? Learn the tools to sustain your growth over time with a support system in place

A Conscious Evolution provides you with the tools to guide your life the way you want it. This workshop is modeled after David Gershon and Gail Straub's Empowerment Workshop. Over the past thirty years, David and Gail have contributed towards massive social change efforts, as well as to the fields of personal empowerment and organizational development.
The premise of the workshop is that your beliefs create the conditions of your life. If you wish to change your life, you need to envision a new possibility and transform the limiting beliefs that are creating your current situation.
Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose your life story.

e-mail: for more information
