Author Topic: Please help some of our neighbors (Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh)  (Read 2870 times)

Offline cybgrand

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Please help some of our neighbors (Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh)
« on: November 20, 2007, 02:36:07 PM »
?An e-mail From: Senator John Sabini (
Dear Friends:
As you have probably heard by now, a devastating cyclone with 150 mile-per-hour winds ravished Bangladesh last week, killing at least 3,000 people and displacing millions there.  Experts estimate that the death toll could approach 10,000.
As is the case with any international tragedy, my Senate district, which has the highest concentration of Bangladeshi-Americans in New York and maybe the entire country, has been particularly hurt by Cyclone Sidr.  Many of my constituents have lost loved ones, property, or both.
On Sunday, I brought together the American Red Cross with a group of Bangladeshi community leaders in Jackson Heights to make an appeal to the public to help the victims of Cyclone Sidr and, by extension, their families here in New York.  My press release on the topic is below for your full reference, and a news clip featuring the meeting is at,0,6735031.teaser?coll=wpix-promo-layout (click on "Bangladesh Aid").
The best way you can help is by sendng money; the costs and difficulties of shipping goods are prohibitive.
To give to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, the public can call 1-800 REDCROSS, visit or mail to American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013.  Be sure to specify the following fund at the time of your donation: AP 2017 Bangladesh Relief & Development.
To give directly to the Bangladeshi government, the public can give to the "Chief Advisor's Relief and Welfare Fund" through the Bangladesh Consulate in New York.  For details, visit the Consulate's Web site at or call 212-599-6767 ext 15/10/21.
Thank you for your attention and kindness this holiday season.