Author Topic: Vietnamese Restaurants  (Read 6950 times)

Offline toddg

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Re: Vietnamese Restaurants
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2008, 01:10:36 PM »
I guess I forgot to report back on my banh mi experience at Thai Son.  My wife and I ordered both types of sandwiches for take-out a while back.  The pork or beef one was what I think of as a more typical banh mi sandwich, served cold, and the chicken one is served hot.  Both were yummy, but not the very best I've had.  They needed some hot sauce or something to give them a little more kick.  But they were still a rare treat and a welcome change from same-old-same-old sandwiches for lunch!

I ordered from the counter, so I didn't see how they were represented in the menu.

Offline cl4t

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Re: Vietnamese Restaurants
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2008, 10:25:54 AM »
i can't wait to try the banh mi at thai son!

because of the variations in banh mi
i find that the key to a really good banh mi are the ingredients.
the french baguette should be soft on the inside, slightly chewy crust.
the meats (whether chicken or pork) should be moist, not dry.
the pickled veggies should have both tanginess and sweetness.
there must be jalapeno slices (but be aware, they are very spicy) and of course
cilantro cilantro cilantro.
i really hope i love thai son's banh mi because i haven't found great banh mi in the city yet.

on a different note, as a long time fan of nha trang in chinatown,
i was eager to compare the pho at thai son with the one at nha trang.
i found the pho at thai son to be aromatic and most delicious.
depending on each restaurant, i may or may not season the pho.
at thai son, i had the broth virgin, and loved it.
next up, the crispy squid.
-fermented and fried