Author Topic: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?  (Read 1946 times)

Offline Mary Poppins

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I just moved into the Hampshire House last week and can't figure out why this thing is in my wall. I've asked an electrician, google, the real estate agent (unfortunately the seller left the country and is hard to reach and he also had tenants after he moved out so he's not a sure answer anyway) as well as all my facebook friends and no one has a clue as to what this is for.

Bad cellphone photo:
Its a circuit board, hardwired directly into the electrical system.  My friend uninstalled it and nothing adverse has happened... yet.  The facebook consensus was that it was a government or organized crime listening device (albeit a rather conspicuously placed one  ::)). The one serial number I could get off one of the things on the board brought up timers on google.

Someone went to some trouble to install it, make a plate cover and etc. for it so I'd hate to toss it if it has some practical purpose... I just can't figure what purpose that might be.  Misc details that are probably unrelated but since it was on my electrical system... I think this building was built late '30s, I have no phone jack in the place, no electrical outlets in the bathroom but I have 7 circuit breakers for a 1 bedroom and while this was installed in the entryway it happened to be on the same breaker as my refrigerator. 

Anyone here have an answer or theories?

Offline carrefour_ny

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Re: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2011, 01:42:03 AM »
I'd think it's a timer, though there should be manual controls or at least a remote control. Maybe the location of it in the apt and on the wall can provide more clues?

Offline Mary Poppins

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Re: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2011, 01:49:32 AM »
Its in the entry way by the front door - its a low outlet... the standard couple inches from the floor

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Re: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 09:54:40 PM »
Can't be that old...does it have any jumpers.  I do see the 2 pin connector.  If you connect it back as it was plug a lamp and leave it on and see what happens in a 24 hr period (imagine if it is timed to turn off at 2 am and back at 3am... :2funny: ) 
Also, if you have a wireless router you could do a scan or search for wireless devices with it and then do another with the breaker down.  Now you got me all curious...

Whats the part No. ?
Time is running out!

Offline Mary Poppins

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Re: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 10:57:04 PM »

It was one black and one white wire that connected it (I know wire colors have meanings I just don't know what they are...)

Its not installed now and I actually gave it to a friend to dissect it (not that they know what they are doing but just so its not sitting on my coffee table but yet not in the garbage either) If I ever get it back I may try the 24 experiment... there were wires coming out of the plate cover though so I think the power was powering it to do something rather than it telling the power to do something (but I could be completely wrong here)

There was no part number for the whole thing - there were a few numbers I was able to get off individual components and those are as follows:
GS 9428 GL324
5032 Y5Y

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Re: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 09:23:00 AM »
Jumpers are used on circuit boards to basically govern the chain of command (sort of).  Th GL letters tell us that it was manufactured by Gold Star and you are right...seems to be a timer.
Time is running out!

Offline Mary Poppins

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Re: Circuit board in electrical outlet... any clues as to what it is?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 10:21:03 AM »
Cool - thank you