Author Topic: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.  (Read 4057 times)

Offline pingram

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Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« on: November 09, 2010, 03:24:47 PM »
 HELP ME START A CURB YOUR DOG AWARENESS CLUB. There are hundreds of dog owners who don't even think when they walk their dog --- the dog just goes where they want.  On my block there are at least 40 urine pools which I have to navigate as dog owners think it is only feces that the $450 fine applies to.  This is so disrepectful and self-centered of dog owners who let their dogs "go" on other peoples property which includes public  sidewalks.  I once stopped a man in Brooklyn Heights after watching his dog urinate on a neighbors brownstone stoop.  I asked him why he lets his dog do this rather than walking and training him to the curb.  He said: "oh, I never even thought about it".    So perhaps making dog owners aware of what they are doing may help a little. 
The curb is at the end of the sidewalk where the street begins.  The streets are cleaned every week by the city, whereas the sidewalks only get "cleaned" when it rains.  Someone tell me what dog owners do when their dogs are sick and they can't "pick it up"?  do they come back and scrub the " dog waste  "?   No way!  They may try but leave the rest for their neighbors to walk in.    THANK YOU.

Offline bellabella

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 08:00:37 PM »
I've never heard of the curb your dog law applying to urine (I'll have to look that one up) How do you propose we clean the urine? Shall we carry a bucket or a extra long hose?? Im sorry but you do not make sense -to me. I see men urinating in the street  all the time so you can't only blame the dogs!!!!

Offline Griswold Contessa

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 07:29:54 AM »
I agree there is nothing worse than a huge puddle a dog urine in the middles of the sidewalk!  What is even worse is when we have a light rain which brings out the smell from all those puddles of the past!!!  I don't know why dog owners think it's O.K. for the rest of world to walk through their dog urine. 
 CURB your dog.....yes that means urine as well as feces!  By not doing so would be selfish and totally disrespectful.
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Offline camh

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2010, 05:45:38 PM »
I'll speak with my dog about this issue tonight!  ;)

Offline Griswold Contessa

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 05:50:02 PM »
That's fine but just know who holds the leash in the family!!  ;D
I'll speak with my dog about this issue tonight!  ;)
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Offline MarcusW

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2010, 12:05:53 AM »
Thank goodness our pup is prissy, and refuses to go on the sidewalk. She makes a break for the gutter every time. Don't know why, but we've never had to train her to do that.
- MW

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2010, 03:00:31 PM »
Thank goodness our pup is prissy, and refuses to go on the sidewalk. She makes a break for the gutter every time. Don't know why, but we've never had to train her to do that.

Interesting.  My dog does the same, but she makes a beeline for the edge of the curb every time.  I never trained her to do that though, so I suppose that's what she's comfortable with.
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Offline Mary Poppins

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2010, 09:09:03 PM »
I just moved in and I'm surprised at the amount of fecal matter on the sidewalk along my street (79th St) I have to do some serious watching where I step! Sad part is I can tell where others who were not watching have tracked it up the block.  Is there just no enforcement here so no one bothers to pick up after their dog?

Urine is gross enough but I can see how someone could plead ignorance, however there is no excuse for crap on the sidewalks.


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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2010, 09:20:08 PM »
Mary Poppins........."Just a spoon full of sugar".................helps the..........welcome to JH and all the selfish dog owners!!!!!!!!

Offline Mary Poppins

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2010, 09:33:18 PM »
Lol thanks! I'm afraid we'll need a lot of sugar and some big spoons...

My former landlady let her dogs bite us tenants... As long as the general dog owning population isn't that selfish I'll be pretty happy
Everyone I've met so far and the general vibe of what I know of the neighborhood just seems like there would be more consciencious types than those who can't bring themselves to bag it up. Rather disappointing to park my zipcar full of new neighborhood dreams and then realize I'm trotting my stuff back and forth across a fecal mine field LOL its been the move from the bad warm place on sooo many levels... The feces were just the welcoming committee

Offline DandR

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2011, 10:45:18 AM »
Just read this last night, and found a reason to reply this morning...

I definitely feel the pain of having to navigate through all the feces on the street.  What’s more infuriating is when you confront an irresponsible dog owner and get yelled at in return.  This is exactly what happened this morning, when I saw an older gentleman walking his dog who looks like the dog on Frasier but with longer scruffy hair/fur.  The man turned around, yelled at me at the top of his lungs called me a “f’in’ Spanish”…  I’m not even Hispanic…  He also told me to “go back to your f’in’ country!” and yelled some other things in what sounded like Russian.

However, I assure you that the neglect of the irresponsible dog owners is probably more frustrating for us responsible dog owners.  More than having to navigate the “land mines” ourselves, we have to drag our dogs away from them on the sidewalks.  We also can’t have our dogs sniff around the grass patches or trees/posts at night because there are usually more poops there that we cannot see.

I’d love to hear suggestions on how we can improve our neighborhood in this regard, as I’m at a loss.  The guy threatened to kick my ass this morning, for simply telling him his dog took a sh*t on the side walk.  What would you do?

Offline Mary Poppins

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2011, 01:18:27 PM »
Oh thats horrible! 

I think the only way for it to ever change is to start complaining to 311 each and every time you see anything - if we pester them enough they should send enforcement agents to patrol, once they catch enough people in the act and give tickets hopefully people will start cleaning up.  I really feel bad for the elderly population that I've seen on my block, shuffling along with their shopping carts... I can't imagine that they are able to navigate that well.

You can report online here:

Perhaps also there is some way we could work with the city and area buildings to install pet waste stations in some spots?

Offline DandR

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2011, 02:52:01 PM »
Great link, thanks!

We always carry bags, and throw them out in the garbage bins in the back of my building, sitting right next to the side walk. 
I think waste stations are good, and maybe they'll stimulate more awareness/willingness for ppl to pick up after their dogs. 

Offline Griswold Contessa

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2011, 04:52:27 PM »
Our building the Griswold located on 34th Ave. decided to buy our own trash receptacles and placed them on the corners of 86th St..and 87th St.  This has helped with the poop problem but we still have the issue of the huge puddles of urine............oh well I guess one out of two ain't bad!
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Curbing your dog in totality - Urine as well as Feces.
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2011, 01:53:42 PM »
Great link, thanks!

The one I posted in the Anything Funny folder is probably less helpful, but topical if it makes you smile. :)
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