Author Topic: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral  (Read 1943 times)

Offline dotley

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orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« on: October 18, 2010, 10:07:55 AM »
Is anyone who feeds strays missing this cat?  He is approximately 5 years old and has a mild temperment. 

Offline dotley

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Re: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 05:23:05 AM »
Unfortunately the orange and white cat was euthanized yesterday morning.  Please check the CACC website list if you have lost either a house pet or a ear tipped stray.  Currently there is a black and white neutered male cat found in Elmhurst that was turned in on the 13th to CACC.  Thank you.

Offline bellabella

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Re: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 09:15:32 PM »
why do people bring animals to the kill shelters? Leave them in the streets at least they have a shot at life!!

Offline dotley

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Re: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2010, 09:03:45 AM »
The orange and white cat was ear tipped which means he was being taken care of. I don't know why CACC accepts ear tipped cats.  He was a healthy cat when he went in and in the 3 weeks he was there he became very ill.  People should leave street cats on the street. Maybe their life span will be shorter but it certainly will be happier.

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Re: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2010, 10:09:43 PM »
I just wanted to compliment the stated...If you have a pet but you somehow are unable to physically or mentally take care of them think about the following...are you just being lazy or are you really UNABLE to do the right thing.  If the latter is your answer than try to keep your pet - give it a real try please.  It is almost impossible to find a home for your pet unless it is one of the "purebred or fancy looking" dogs.  It is truly very difficult for shelters to find a home for these darlings. Whatever your final decision is -DO NOT bring your dog or cat to a shelter...You might as well put that creature in the grave because they WILL kill your dog or cat because they are super OVER crowded.

Please - try and try again...use craigslist or any other venue to find a suitable home.   Please - don't just give your baby to least ask them permission to see your baby 3 or 4 times per year for the 1st year ONLY!   If they refuse then say NO and move on.  If they already own pets ask them if you could just come to visit their pets the first time - offer to deliver the pet to their home so you can see their other pets.  If you can verify the environment is proper for your "soon to be ex pet" than give them a big hug and any left over pet products and go home.  You owe this to your pet.

Cats somehow are better at handling the outdoors than  dogs.  They can jump great heights and are simply more capable climbers and survivors.  That doesn't mean you should take them to a shelter...THEY WILL KILL HIM OR HER - Shelters have no space -  THEY HAVE NO SPACE - NO MATER WHAT YOU HEAR!!!.   If you see a cat outside of your home...feed them and leave them alone unless you are willing to adopt them.  If you really want to go beyond the call of duty..trap them and get them fixed BUT DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN THE SHELTER.   If you see kittens, leave them and maybe feed them - Mom will come back for them.  DO NOT TAKE THEM TO A SHELTER!!!
Time is running out!

Offline madalyn

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Re: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 07:42:39 PM »
Amen!   I wish we could make everyone more sensitive to the beauty of these creatures so they would always treat them kindly and unselfishly.

Offline dotley

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Re: orange and white ear tipped friendly feral
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2010, 08:02:13 AM »
I think the approach to animal population control needs to be changed. The money and resources need to be spent on educating the public and affordable spay and neutering. If they do more trapping neutering and releasing, there will not be such a big population of animals.  Over time we would not have the need for the "gas chambers".  I do agree that if an animal is out on the street and sick, it should be euthanized.  It is humane and protects other animals from getting sick, but euthanizing healthy strays especially ones that are neutered is not.  I am getting off my soapbox now.