Author Topic: Dog Boarding Recommendations  (Read 26667 times)

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2008, 03:35:33 AM »
Reminder to members: Please use classifieds and business listings for advertising, and use the discussion forums for discussions.

I am having a discussion.  As this discussion happens, per chance, to pertain to a professional issue that concerns me, because in this instance I happen to be in an associated profession, it may appear to have an aspect of "advertising" to it, but I can assure you that I did not check into *this* venue in order to advertise my business.  (I was actually somewhat surprised to have seen this discussion here).  If I were seeking advertisement of my business, I would have taken that to a more 'doggie' website; there are many that *specialize* in this sort of discussion. 

I had checked into this site in an ongoing interest in the neighborhood in which I was raised - - not to do business; actually, just the opposite - - for recreational interest.  But as long as this particular discussion was going on, and people were inquiring as to referrals of dog-care accomodations, I did not think it was improper to give the information that I have put forth, for the benefit of your participants. 

Frankly, I fail to see the difference between what information I have provided, and the other referrals for *commercial* businesses that have been touted herein.  Moreover, I consider this kind of discussion to be a *resource* for participants, that adds value to this venue. 

However, if I have in some way violated the rules of this site, please forgive me.  I will make every effort, in future, to curtail such exchanges as may be offensive, to the best of my perception, as such, and will appreciate your assistance in indicating the boundaries of such discussions, if and when I may cross some relatively imperceptible line. 

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2008, 03:57:09 PM »
darling, methinks you protest too much about camp bow wow or whatever.  and there is a HUGE difference in your posting in this thread and other people posting in the business threads. 
First, do no harm.

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2008, 05:30:24 PM »
darling, methinks you protest too much about camp bow wow or whatever.  and there is a HUGE difference in your posting in this thread and other people posting in the business threads. 
Can't "protest too much" about something like this, if you know what the downside of it is, for the animals.  And, as I said, it appeared to me that there was no restriction on the references; I had no idea that recommending one's *self*, among all the other recommendations, of others, would be considered some sort of internet gaffe.

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2008, 05:36:11 PM »
darling, methinks you protest too much about camp bow wow or whatever.  and there is a HUGE difference in your posting in this thread and other people posting in the business threads. 

By the way, *darling*, what exactly do you think my *ulterior* motive is for "protesting" - - as long as you seem to be protesting what I've written?  What is it about my providing dog owners with some excellent information that makes you suspicious of my motives? 

Offline abee

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2008, 08:43:28 PM »
Uh, I also board my dog at camp bow wow in LIC. They are an excellent facility that I have been entirely pleased with. And, for your information, when you stated this:
You have only commented on a single aspect of the Camp Bow Wow offerings, that being the dogs running around a great deal, which seems to please you entirely.  But you do not mention many other things that are crucial to proper dog care.  Since we are talking so much about how much the dogs *run around* - - WHAT - - for example - - ARE THEIR PROTOCOLS AROUND THE ISSUE OF *BLOAT*?
, you obviously showed how little you know about them. They have an extremely good protocol to prevent bloat, which they told me about in person, and provided a handout for. They have a "rest" period in large, individual kennels before and after eating.

They also gave me a walking tour of their facility, allowing me to see where the dogs are kept during the day and where the dogs slept at night. They are excellent with communicating to their customers, and they remembered my dog even though we had only been there once, a month before. From the two owners, who I have met each time I have gone there, I have gotten a real sense of care and love for the dogs they work with.

*why* is this vet vaccinating *"yearly"* for it when he has admitted that the vaccine onlly imparts a 6-month (alleged) "immunity"?  Why vaccinate for it at *all*, then???
Uh, why do I get a flu-shot? It doesn't protect against every strain of flu possible. I do it to help lower my chances of getting the flu. I do the same for my dog. I believe in vaccinations- I will vaccinate my kids in the future too.

I have a dog behaviorist in my building, and she is a lovely person who has given me good advice about my dog, in a way that is a lot less condescending than you have shown yourself to be in this thread. Treating people like they are not making well-researched decisions that they have decided are good for them is not a good way to get business.

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #50 on: November 03, 2008, 03:17:20 AM »
Uh, I also board my dog at camp bow wow in LIC. They are an excellent facility that I have been entirely pleased with. And, for your information, when you stated this:, you obviously showed how little you know about them. They have an extremely good protocol to prevent bloat, which they told me about in person, and provided a handout for. They have a "rest" period in large, individual kennels before and after eating.

They also gave me a walking tour of their facility, allowing me to see where the dogs are kept during the day and where the dogs slept at night. They are excellent with communicating to their customers, and they remembered my dog even though we had only been there once, a month before. From the two owners, who I have met each time I have gone there, I have gotten a real sense of care and love for the dogs they work with.
 Uh, why do I get a flu-shot? It doesn't protect against every strain of flu possible. I do it to help lower my chances of getting the flu. I do the same for my dog. I believe in vaccinations- I will vaccinate my kids in the future too.

I have a dog behaviorist in my building, and she is a lovely person who has given me good advice about my dog, in a way that is a lot less condescending than you have shown yourself to be in this thread. Treating people like they are not making well-researched decisions that they have decided are good for them is not a good way to get business.

Teriffico!  They're sounding better and better all the time.  HOW *LONG* IS THE "REST" PERIOD?  WHAT *ELSE* DO THEY DO, around this issue?  And is it the same for each breed that they board?  *Etc.*.  I'm not going to get into the specifics of this with you, because it is extensive.  All I will say, *consdescendingly*(!), is that unless you are qualified to assess such a thing, your opinion that they have an "extremely good protocol to prevent bloat" is meaningless.  And, by the way, I have a really good story about garden fairies that I can tell you, in person, and can provide a handout for.

Don't misunderstand - - they may very well *have* a good bloat protocol in place; I don't know if they do or not.  I was simply asking the question, to indicate one of the things that is of importance in relation to lots of exercise for dogs.  And if they *are* following a good bloat protocol, and they are feeding the dogs twice a day, and they are giving them sufficient water in relation to exercise, in the correct way (still following that good protocol) and their day starts at what time?, and ends at what time? - - I am pointing out that the dogs are either NOT running around "all day", or there is a dangerous combination being played out there.  There is an equation that you need to know, starting with what time their day starts, and what time it ends, and when meals and water are given, relative to exercise times.  Simply put, you can't have your cake and eat it, too.  One thing or another is being misunderstood about this venue.  Either they're running the dogs from dawn til dusk, and being indiscriminate about feeding and watering, or the dogs are getting dehydrated, or they are following a safe protocol, and not running the dogs all day long.  But the dogs are NOT running and playing all day long, AND being safely watered and fed.

I am glad that they gave you a tour of their "facility".  I offer a *home* environment; *not* a "facility"; for people who want their dogs to be in a *home*, a "facility" is not what they are looking for, and falls short of that option, in so many ways.  Regardless of how you protest, there is simply no relation between a KENNEL and a HOME.  (See the difference in those two words?).

While it is entirely possible that the owners of this business very much love dogs, is it beyond the reach of your imagination to think that it is GOOD BUSINESS for them to recognize the objects/names that bring them *income*?  Did your behaviorist tell you that when you give something a cookie, it anchors you into their mind?  Why are you so impressed that they recognized your dog and remembered his name?

Further, if your behaviorist hasn't informed you about in-home boarding situations, and told you to find one, as a far better alternative to a kennel, and has not informed you of the dangers of kennels, then she is not worth the title she wields, and has failed to give you "good advice".  If she did not have a good home-board to recommend, then she is lacking in resources.  Perhaps that is why she is so much less "condescending" than I am.  (Sure I would be even more condescending with her, as I am so tired of cleaning up the *mess* that other so-called "behaviorists" leave!).

Your assertion pertaining to innoculations is entirely off-track.  Go back and read what I wrote.     

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #51 on: November 03, 2008, 03:42:10 AM »
Teriffico!  They're sounding better and better all the time.  HOW *LONG* IS THE "REST" PERIOD?  WHAT *ELSE* DO THEY DO, around this issue?  And is it the same for each breed that they board?  *Etc.*.  I'm not going to get into the specifics of this with you, because it is extensive.  All I will say, *consdescendingly*(!), is that unless you are qualified to assess such a thing, your opinion that they have an "extremely good protocol to prevent bloat" is meaningless.  And, by the way, I have a really good story about garden fairies that I can tell you, in person, and can provide a handout for.

Don't misunderstand - - they may very well *have* a good bloat protocol in place; I don't know if they do or not.  I was simply asking the question, to indicate one of the things that is of importance in relation to lots of exercise for dogs.  And if they *are* following a good bloat protocol, and they are feeding the dogs twice a day, and they are giving them sufficient water in relation to exercise, in the correct way (still following that good protocol) and their day starts at what time?, and ends at what time? - - I am pointing out that the dogs are either NOT running around "all day", or there is a dangerous combination being played out there.  There is an equation that you need to know, starting with what time their day starts, and what time it ends, and when meals and water are given, relative to exercise times.  Simply put, you can't have your cake and eat it, too.  One thing or another is being misunderstood about this venue.  Either they're running the dogs from dawn til dusk, and being indiscriminate about feeding and watering, or the dogs are getting dehydrated, or they are following a safe protocol, and not running the dogs all day long.  But the dogs are NOT running and playing all day long, AND being safely watered and fed.

I am glad that they gave you a tour of their "facility".  I offer a *home* environment; *not* a "facility"; for people who want their dogs to be in a *home*, a "facility" is not what they are looking for, and falls short of that option, in so many ways.  Regardless of how you protest, there is simply no relation between a KENNEL and a HOME.  (See the difference in those two words?).

While it is entirely possible that the owners of this business very much love dogs, is it beyond the reach of your imagination to think that it is GOOD BUSINESS for them to recognize the objects/names that bring them *income*?  Did your behaviorist tell you that when you give something a cookie, it anchors you into their mind?  Why are you so impressed that they recognized your dog and remembered his name?

Further, if your behaviorist hasn't informed you about in-home boarding situations, and told you to find one, as a far better alternative to a kennel, and has not informed you of the dangers of kennels, then she is not worth the title she wields, and has failed to give you "good advice".  If she did not have a good home-board to recommend, then she is lacking in resources.  Perhaps that is why she is so much less "condescending" than I am.  (Sure I would be even more condescending with her, as I am so tired of cleaning up the *mess* that other so-called "behaviorists" leave!).

Your assertion pertaining to innoculations is entirely off-track.  Go back and read what I wrote.     

P.S.  I'm wondering why certain people have such an adversarial response to being offered an up-grade.  Is it because you have some vested interest in believing that, thus far, you have made the perfect choices, and that there is no room for improvement?  Being resistant to new information that may be of benefit to you is a counterproductive approach.

Offline Brian C

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #52 on: November 03, 2008, 09:21:42 AM »
Abee, thanks for addressing the issues of Eve's condescending attitude & Camp Bow Wow's bloat protocol. You've saved me a bit of typing.

...As I have caused you sufficient concern for you to have inquired with your vet...

Just to clarify, I did not ask my vet to comment. I asked a very good friend with a vet practice in another state. Knowing him as well as I do, it is inconceivable that he might even slightly shade the truth in his comments.

I urge anyone who is interested in dog care to thoroughly check out whatever services you may be considering. You might also want to research NSAL and draw your own conclusions concerning them as well.

FYI, Blackjack will be enjoying another day at CBW tomorrow. Look for the black streak in the large dog area.  :)
Here he is in a quieter moment at the lake.
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #53 on: November 03, 2008, 11:02:24 AM »
Abee, thanks for addressing the issues of Eve's condescending attitude & Camp Bow Wow's bloat protocol. You've saved me a bit of typing.

Just to clarify, I did not ask my vet to comment. I asked a very good friend with a vet practice in another state. Knowing him as well as I do, it is inconceivable that he might even slightly shade the truth in his comments.

I urge anyone who is interested in dog care to thoroughly check out whatever services you may be considering. You might also want to research NSAL and draw your own conclusions concerning them as well.

FYI, Blackjack will be enjoying another day at CBW tomorrow. Look for the black streak in the large dog area.  :)
Here he is in a quieter moment at the lake.

Oh, Brian, have I got a surprise for you!  But before I 'unleash" it - - in what state are you, that your Camp Bow Wow has a "lake"?

Offline Brian C

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #54 on: November 03, 2008, 11:19:56 AM »
OK, I'l bite. We live in JH but the lake mentioned is in upstate NY & has nothing to do with Camp Bow Wow.
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #55 on: November 03, 2008, 12:17:10 PM »
OK, I'l bite. We live in JH but the lake mentioned is in upstate NY & has nothing to do with Camp Bow Wow.
I'm glad - - because heavy exercise in the presence of and access to a lake = NO bloat protocol.  But a small child's wading pool serves the same purpose, in conjunction with heavy exercise.  And remember I said that, because it's going to come up in a while.

Wait; be patient; this is going to be a two-parter, and a lot of typing for *me*.

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #56 on: November 03, 2008, 12:58:17 PM »
Abee, thanks for addressing the issues of Eve's condescending attitude & Camp Bow Wow's bloat protocol. You've saved me a bit of typing.

Just to clarify, I did not ask my vet to comment. I asked a very good friend with a vet practice in another state. Knowing him as well as I do, it is inconceivable that he might even slightly shade the truth in his comments.

I urge anyone who is interested in dog care to thoroughly check out whatever services you may be considering. You might also want to research NSAL and draw your own conclusions concerning them as well.

FYI, Blackjack will be enjoying another day at CBW tomorrow. Look for the black streak in the large dog area.  :)
Here he is in a quieter moment at the lake.

                                                'I LOVE A MYSTERY' - - PART 1

Here is an interesting observation that I will share with you all, reflective of what is common in human nature, and detrimental to human progress:

I have posted an offer of my services, in response to someone's inquiry regarding dog care, with a brief sketch of my qualifications (and an invitation to contact me for more information).  I have offered the *good* news - - that a kennel is not your *only* option for boarding your pet.  I have offered *good* and valid information.  I have extended a *good* option to you and given you a *good* lead on services that exist (and, in fact, could direct you to a far, far better and more exclusive *kenneling* situation, if your dog would not be suitable for home-boarding, than the *commercial* one you are using).

Thus far, I have gotten *three* *NEGATIVE* responses  -  -  NO positive response, no neutral response (say, a question or two, perhaps). - - but three negative responses.

*NOTICE* - - that nothing that I wrote would, rationally, elicit such a negative response (but from, perhaps, a kennel owner), and it would seem contrary to logic, to respond in such a hostile, adversarial, and negative manner, to a *gift*.

The lack of receptiveness to this, and to the entire prospect of gaining new knowledge, is striking.  The three people who have responded (negatively) do not want to know more, they are apparently satisfied with what has been convenient for them, and they seem very threatened, in fact, by the prospect of something that challenges their preconceived notions, most particularly, it would seem, the one concerning whether or not they have, up to this point, been doing the *best* they could do with the arrangements they have made for their companion animals.

One person has accused me of being "condescending" because I have provided information.  She asserts that I have *assumed* that she is ignorant, uninformed, and incompetent - - yet, inherent and intrinsic to the very conversation that we are having - - about *kennel* boarding - - she *proves* that this is so.  Otherwise, she would know, as my clients do, about in-home boarding, she would be boarding her dog with a competent home-board and not a kennel, and we wouldn't be having this conversation!

She clearly has *not* done "the best" in researching her options, she has *not* done her "homework", she does not like having this revealed to her, and considers the information I have provided a personal affront to her dignity (the hell with what's best for the dog, at this point!).

This does not, however, discredit the information, nor should it disuade those inclined to take a more pro-active and successful approach to the introduction of new and better resources, from availing themselves of accomodations that might better facilitate their purposes (such as the gentleman who was concerned with doing business with someone who could be relied on in emergencies). 

It's fun to talk down to someone who knows more than you do, from the safe anonymous concealment of the internet - - but this is not productive; it will not be of any assistance to anyone, or their dogs.

I, on the other hand, am *not* anonymous.  I have put myself out here, and stand by the information I have given you, *by name*, and with traceable references.  My qualifications, going back over thirty years, attest to my expertise in my field.  It is then *curious* that anyone with less qualification would attempt to do anything but *learn*, and utilize that information that they have gotten from me to increase the efficiency of their performance, but would prefer, instead, to take meaningless pot-shots at me, by way of justifying their choice. 

(Oh - - you say you're doing everything *perfectly*, with *no* room for improvement?  Gee - - wish I were *you*!).

Before you reject something good that's offered to you, such as the information I am giving you - - ask yourself *WHY* you're doing that.  (Just a little *behavioral* thing - - but as a behaviorist, I think we should all be more *aware* of our motivations).

Here is one of the reasons why I prefer spending my time with dogs!  They make more sense than many people do, and don't usually fight you when you're offering something nice.

As long as Buddy (I believe it was) has quoted *Shakespeare*, perhaps I should cite a far more pertinent quotation, from the Bible; Matthew: 7:6

'Do not throw bread to dogs, or pearls to swine'.

Stay tuned for Part 2.


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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #57 on: November 03, 2008, 08:31:41 PM »
I have nothing to prove, am not by any means a dog expert, am not affiliated with any camp here (no pun intended), and have not been trying to fight. I was simply offering my stance on my singular anecdotal experience. I am done with providing that opinion and will not be turning in for "part two". Don't worry, I have not been offended and do not have anything against boarding your dog in a home with a highly qualified professional if that is what works best for you. If I have in any way implied that was bad, I apologize. I'm out of this conversation. Bye.

Offline evedemian

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2008, 12:24:47 PM »
                                                    'I LOVE A MYSTERY' - - PART 1

Here is an interesting observation that I will share with you all, reflective of what is common in human nature, and detrimental to human progress:

I have posted an offer of my services, in response to someone's inquiry regarding dog care, with a brief sketch of my qualifications (and an invitation to contact me for more information).  I have offered the *good* news - - that a kennel is not your *only* option for boarding your pet.  I have offered *good* and valid information.  I have extended a *good* option to you and given you a *good* lead on services that exist (and, in fact, could direct you to a far, far better and more exclusive *kenneling* situation, if your dog would not be suitable for home-boarding, than the *commercial* one you are using).

Thus far, I have gotten *three* *NEGATIVE* responses  -  -  NO positive response, no neutral response (say, a question or two, perhaps). - - but three negative responses.

*NOTICE* - - that nothing that I wrote would, rationally, elicit such a negative response (but from, perhaps, a kennel owner), and it would seem contrary to logic, to respond in such a hostile, adversarial, and negative manner, to a *gift*.

The lack of receptiveness to this, and to the entire prospect of gaining new knowledge, is striking.  The three people who have responded (negatively) do not want to know more, they are apparently satisfied with what has been convenient for them, and they seem very threatened, in fact, by the prospect of something that challenges their preconceived notions, most particularly, it would seem, the one concerning whether or not they have, up to this point, been doing the *best* they could do with the arrangements they have made for their companion animals.

One person has accused me of being "condescending" because I have provided information.  She asserts that I have *assumed* that she is ignorant, uninformed, and incompetent - - yet, inherent and intrinsic to the very conversation that we are having - - about *kennel* boarding - - she *proves* that this is so.  Otherwise, she would know, as my clients do, about in-home boarding, she would be boarding her dog with a competent home-board and not a kennel, and we wouldn't be having this conversation!

She clearly has *not* done "the best" in researching her options, she has *not* done her "homework", she does not like having this revealed to her, and considers the information I have provided a personal affront to her dignity (the hell with what's best for the dog, at this point!).

This does not, however, discredit the information, nor should it disuade those inclined to take a more pro-active and successful approach to the introduction of new and better resources, from availing themselves of accomodations that might better facilitate their purposes (such as the gentleman who was concerned with doing business with someone who could be relied on in emergencies). 

It's fun to talk down to someone who knows more than you do, from the safe anonymous concealment of the internet - - but this is not productive; it will not be of any assistance to anyone, or their dogs.

I, on the other hand, am *not* anonymous.  I have put myself out here, and stand by the information I have given you, *by name*, and with traceable references.  My qualifications, going back over thirty years, attest to my expertise in my field.  It is then *curious* that anyone with less qualification would attempt to do anything but *learn*, and utilize that information that they have gotten from me to increase the efficiency of their performance, but would prefer, instead, to take meaningless pot-shots at me, by way of justifying their choice. 

(Oh - - you say you're doing everything *perfectly*, with *no* room for improvement?  Gee - - wish I were *you*!).

Before you reject something good that's offered to you, such as the information I am giving you - - ask yourself *WHY* you're doing that.  (Just a little *behavioral* thing - - but as a behaviorist, I think we should all be more *aware* of our motivations).

Here is one of the reasons why I prefer spending my time with dogs!  They make more sense than many people do, and don't usually fight you when you're offering something nice.

As long as Buddy (I believe it was) has quoted *Shakespeare*, perhaps I should cite a far more pertinent quotation, from the Bible; Matthew: 7:6

'Do not throw bread to dogs, or pearls to swine'.

Stay tuned for Part 2.


                                                    'I LOVE A MYSTERY' - - PART 2

As I have been confronted with the assertion that I know "nothing" about a specific venue that has become the topic of this discussion, and I, in return, have accused some of you of not doing your "homework", I felt it fair to do a little research on CBW; research that took me all of *five* minutes, to find the truth about the operation of this establishment (that you, too, can research for yourselves, in the same five minutes; you don't have to take my word for anything).

The results of my five minutes of research were quite disturbing, but not uncommon.

Let's take a look; shall we?  (And I'll play this backward, just to keep it interesting, as a mystery should be).

"Camp Bow Wow - - North America's Premier Doggy-Day And Overnight Camp", is the header on the homepage of the Long Island City CBW website.  And let's STOP RIGHT THERE for a moment, to examine this claim!

WHO says this about them?  Other than the *hype* that they, themselves, generate, WHO makes this claim about CBW?  (And, by what criteria, in any case?!).  *NO ONE*!  NO ONE says this about them, other than themselves!  There is *NO* ENDORSEMENT to back this spurious claim!  *No* humane society, *no* animal-advocacy organization, *no*animal-oriented association, no animal-oriented publication!  ABSOLUTELY NO ONE connected with anything that has anything to do with *animals*.

They, further, say that they have been "featured in newspapers, magazines, and on television shows", as "a wonderful alternative to the traditional kennel" (I, personally, fail to see the difference).  BUT THEY DON'T SAY *WHICH ONES*!!!  *WHAT* newspapers?  *WHAT* magazines?  *WHAT* t.v. shows?  Do you know how quick and eager commercial businesses are to cite specifics, in regard to such things, when they have something to tell, and names to drop?  Holy cow!  This is *why* businesses seek publicity - - so that they can promote themselves with it - - *specifically* and *by name*!!  *WHY* would *this* business make such claims - - yet be so vague?  The mystery deepens!  Until you look into their "PRESS" section.  But let's save that, for a moment; shall we?

First, let's go back and look again at that home page, and what it advertises, which is contrary to one of the issues we've been discussing:  bloat.  They say that they feature *"ALL DAY PLAY"*, and they show, in one photo shot, a small, inflatable, child's wading pool, filled with water.  For all intents and purposes, that's some big, available water dish, probably loaded with bacteria, too, and BANG!  Your "bloat protocol" is dead!  The lecture and the handout on the subject?  That's *their* liability disclaimer; demonstrably, it has no bearing on the true nature of the situation, or care of your dog.  (Add a little something, here: Giardia.  Small, common pools like these can be a hotbed of Giardia.  And if you're not lucky, *you* and your dog can get to share something known as "ping-pong Giardia"!  What fun!!).

Now let's look into that "Press" section on that website, and see where those mentionable "features" have been.  As I've pointed out, there haven't been any endorsements from any sort of *dog* or *animal* associations; with all their elaborate internet *crap*, they fail to be endorsed by ONE valid source - - so what "newspapers", "magazines", and "television shows" are they talking about?

And it's just *UNBELIEVABLE*!  *ALL* of their "press" has been in *BUSINESS* publications!!!!!!!  NOWHERE are they touted as animal-care specialists - - - but as *BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURS*! 

They are referred to as a "franchise SYSTEM"; they're an "industrial" system, that boasts "over 200 CBWs across the country!  (All staffed by *incompetents*!!  HOW do I know this?  No one competent would work in a system like this!). 

All you see on their websites is the word "BUSINESS", over and over again!  *They're selling FRANCHISE BUSINESSES*; *that* is their primary interest, not dog care!  That is what their websites are designed for.  That is what their de facto businesses are designed for.  They are a *pyramid* operation!  (More on this, shortly).

And it gets better.  Curtis Moore, the guy behind this "entrepreneurial business" is a retired marketing strategy / entrepreneurship expert from Lucent, a giant technologies conglomerate.  He worked there until 1996.  He is assisted in his endeavors by his wife, who retired from MCI Technologies in the year 2000.  NEITHER OF THESE PEOPLE WERE IN ANY PROFESSIONAL FIELD CONNECTED WITH ANIMAL OR DOG CARE, *EVER*.  (Except for a summer, long ago, during which this character worked as a kennel-boy).  HIS FIELD OF EXPERTISE IS NOT ANIMAL CARE, BUT BUSINESS AND MARKETING STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES.

But that's not all.  He has some very interesting side-line businesses, that may shed some light on the operations of CBW, as a corporate entity.  *Brian, pay attention; I'm sure you'll be thrilled!*

If you follow the very clear and frank path (this guy isn't hiding anything; he relies on your ignorance; he's right in your face, and insulting your intelligence!) you will find that he is also running a *puppy mill*!  That's right!  He breeds poor specimens of lousy, probably unsound, dogs (Bichons [unrecognizable as Bichons, by the way; looking like Maltese!] and Corgis) that are not exhibited (shown) or tested for genetic disease.  He doesn't go to the trouble or *EXPENSE* of having good stock, or exhibiting his dogs, but he does charge the unaware and unwary "show quality" prices for them!  AND, he boasts, on his website, that he uses *Diamond* dog food (the very first brand to poison so many dogs, with terrible ingredients from China!) - - *meaning* that *he doesn't even so much as pay to *feed* his puppy-mill dogs*; for that mention, he gets his feed without charge from the company that makes it!  (I'm liking this guy less and less!).

But it's not over yet!!!  Because our CBW developer has yet another sideline business he's been working on!  He's cashing in on the craze for organic beef, by breeding "organic" Lowline Black Angus cattle, for consumption!!!  Do you  know what "organic" means, when you live in Texas, and you're raising cattle?  It means that they live outdoors and eat grass, which grows for *free* in the great state of Texas, where there's hardly any winter, and the costs of such an operation amount to not much more than the cost of the land itself, yet have high yields in the marketplace!  (While we're at it, for those who think "green", raising cattle is one of the most exploitative, planet-violating things you can do!).

So - - a pattern emerges:  here we have someone (who specializes in *marketing strategy* and *entrepreneurial development*) who runs three separate businesses that all *EXPLOIT* animals, and makes his income at the *expense* of animals.  And his crowning achievement, thus far, is CBW, cited and written up, for being a marvelous entrepreneurial pyramid-system franchise *industry*, that has generated "over 200 locations across the country", since 1996, started with income from his puppy mill (the "breeding program" referred to in the warm, fuzzy story of how Moore turned certain aspects of his business over to his wife, when she retired, in 2000). 

Returning to the issue of Mr. Moore, and CBW's press, I would direct you to the coverage that they've gotten on Merchant'sCircle - - *not* 'DogCircle', or 'AnimalCircle' - - *MERCHANT's*Circle.  (It's always about business, never about dogs!).  And there we have a videotape, from YouTube - - CBW's *advertisement*!  As such, the *BEST* view of their business that they have to offer!  Take a look at that, and I'll be back soon with my assessment of that video, and the final chapter (and it isn't good news).


Offline Brian C

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Re: Dog Boarding Recommendations
« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2008, 01:05:57 PM »
...pearls to swine'...

Nice, very nice.  ::)

...I'm out of this conversation. Bye.

Good idea. I'm out of it too.
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke