Author Topic: Roof Access  (Read 2802 times)

Offline tackleberry

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Roof Access
« on: July 01, 2008, 10:09:49 AM »

I am new to the board and my wife and I are moving from Astoria to JH in July.  I wanted to know if most buildings in JH allow you roof access. Specifically, the Washington Plaza building.  I am sure I can ask the lanlord, but I just wanted to get a general sense of the topic, who is able, who is not.



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Re: Roof Access
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 01:15:29 PM »
I was just mentioning in a posting about the fireworks that my building doesn't allow rooftop access...ever.  It's a security issue- you don't want strangers in the building getting access to your roof and then deciding they want to "check out" some apartments through the fire escapes. 


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Re: Roof Access
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 12:10:40 PM »
My building allows roof access, and we even have a some what improvised "garden" up there. But in all the time I have spent up there, I have never noticed anyone on any of the ajoining roofs, which makes me think we are in the minority in allowing access. I suspect this is a building by building issue, and I also suspect that co-op's probably allow more access  than rental buildings. If your building is a co-op, I'd suggest discussing this at the next board meeting. My building allows roof access, and we even have a some what improvised "garden" up there. But in all the time I have spent up there, I have never noticed anyone on any of the adjoining roofs, which makes me think we are in the minority in allowing access. I suspect this is a building by building issue, and I also suspect that co-op's probably allow more access than rental buildings. If your building is a co-op, I'd suggest discussing this at the next board meeting. If there is an explicit rule against access, you can always propose changing it. As the neighborhood gets younger, some of the old, strict rules in buildings are being relaxed. Sometimes this is good, sometimes bad. I will say though that in the eight years I have lived in this building with full access to the roof, we have NEVER had a single issue with security because of that access.

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Roof Access
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 12:18:39 PM »
I believe that it may not only be a security/liability issue, but by opening the roof to residents, you also run the risk of opening the door to possible damage to expensive roofing material.  Repairing damage to rooftops can be very costly.  You also have to take into account how upper floor residents may feel about having people walking above them.  I know many people seek out last floor apartments in order to avoid noise from upstairs neighbors.
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Offline Birch-Ed

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Re: Roof Access
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2008, 07:26:01 AM »
The Birchwood House has always allowed the residents up there since we have a roof garden which is tiled.  It's being renovated at the time so I'm not sure if it will be accessible tomorrow.

Offline dr.ak

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Re: Roof Access
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 12:18:53 AM »
My building did have roof top access until 10 years ago.  I miss watching the fireworks from there.  I believe that when we started having robberies in the building for the first time, they closed the access.  The other wing of the building was accessible through the roof, so I believe it may have been a route for the robbers. We have not such problems now I believe and hope it stays that way.