Author Topic: Locked thread  (Read 5504 times)

Offline NYCMacUser

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Locked thread
« on: January 10, 2008, 03:59:05 PM »
Will one of the mods please explain why this topic was locked.  :-\
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 04:11:38 PM by toddg »

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 04:14:13 PM »
I believe that Lety's opted to lock it.  This area is primarily for announcements anyway, so please use the "Neighborhood Chat" area for commentary or discussion.

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 04:44:05 PM »
WOW! Mods who take direction from members and then change thread titles and don't change locations by themselves.

I'm not likin' this at all!

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 05:14:57 PM »
Sorry to upset you.  Here's an explanation:

1. None of the moderators locked the other thread.  As far as we can tell, it was done by the author.

2. The Lety's thread was posted in the wrong board, so it was indeed moved to this one by one of the moderators.

3. I changed the name of your thread since it was confusing to have two threads by the same name.  Until today, the other moderators and I didn't even notice that this locking feature was enabled.  Since we're likely to start getting more questions about it, it seemed appropriate to use this thread as the place to discuss it. 

I hope this helps.


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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 08:24:07 PM »
Not only is the Lock Thread feature available, so is the Remove Thread. It seems to me that they should be removed/disabled from the general public ASAP. I would also suggest that if the OP did, either accidentally or intentionally, lock the thread that a mod unlock it. It is not that the subject matter is that important, but that this feature should be used only for either items that have been moved, or a thread that has gotten totally out of hand with flaming to allow posters a time to cool off.

I intentionally named my post the same as the OP because I felt that they might still be merged.

I personally really appreciate business owners who come to these forums as it gives the community an opportunity to let them know how they are doing and the business owner a chance to see how they are accepted in the community.

I also find the Remove Thread somewhat dangerous to be left enabled to the general public. Anyone who wants to can hit the button and a lengthy forum discussion can just disappear. If someone makes a post that they regret, they have a reasonable period of time to Modify it or Delete their posting. But no-one should have the right or ability to delete a thread. If you are not happy with what your wrote, modify it. If you change your mind later down the line, post an apology.

I have discovered some great new places to shop in Jackson Heights as a result of this forum, and I would be distressed if some malicious person removed a thread because they didn't like the topic or because they had had a problem with a local business.

I thank you not only for answering my post but also for the tone of your post.


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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2008, 11:44:58 PM »
Thank you for pointing out that the Remove Thread option is enabled.  I will bring this to the attention of the site administrator, and we will address it ASAP.

Regarding the "Lock Thread" feature, we weren't aware of it until today and haven't had time to formulate a policy.  But here are my thoughts on it.  In the "Get Connected" sections of the website, I agree that users should not be able to lock their conversations.  But on the "Classifieds" boards, I think I'd like to keep this locking feature available for a while, as an experiment.  I think it would help some people (especially occasional users) feel more comfortable using this site if they have the option to use this section of the forum like an old fashioned classified ad -- as a one-way announcement.  This is particularly suitable for businesses, which may want to post an announcement every few months or so, without feeling that they need to become active users of the forum and begin responding to questions or criticism.  If this feature is used in problematic ways, we can always revisit this issue later.  Of course, commentary on businesses or any other topic can always take place in the discussion-oriented sections of the site.

Anybody else have a view on this?  Should we allow posters to lock their threads in the "Classifieds" section of the site (and why or why not)?

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 12:40:30 AM »
I would like to refer you to this. Although the views are plentiful, the replies are minimal. If people would like to comment or ask a question of an OP they are free to do so. Having a forum where anyone can post something and then lock out all comments or questions is not a friendly situation. If there is something for sale, the potential buyer might want to see the item and ask for a picture to be posted or linked. If a local business posts about a service or a sale, unintentional omissions might require a poster to ask about the specific date(s) or the time(s). It is late and my brain is shutting down, but I find locked threads generally distasteful. If something is grossly obscene then a mod or the admin has the authority and the ability to delete it and suspend the account of the offender. But, to have someone have the ability to post trash and lock it so there can be no responses is not a good idea, IMHO.

But on the "Classifieds" boards, I think I'd like to keep this locking feature available for a while, as an experiment.  I think it would help some people (especially occasional users) feel more comfortable using this site if they have the option to use this section of the forum like an old fashioned classified ad -- as a one-way announcement.  This is particularly suitable for businesses, which may want to post an announcement every few months or so, without feeling that they need to become active users of the forum and begin responding to questions or criticism.
On Astorians there are a few businesses that post their events on a regular basis. Off the top of my head I can recall Waltz Astoria and Hell Gate Social. They post to both Community Groups, Activities, Events and Business Listings and Services Directory. But there is no lock feature enabled. They don't feel the pressure of posting about anything else except their offerings.

I wouldn't have even noticed the locking feature if I hadn't been on a personal quest for the perfect rye bread. When I saw a lock on a bakery thread I was stymied. Sure I could have called them and asked them if they also baked bread, but that's what I use a community forum for.

My vote is to remove both the Lock Thread and the Remove Thread feature from all of We are adults here and should know not to post anything that is irresponsible and can't be commented on!

Offline LetyBCafe

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2008, 09:51:06 AM »
Hello there from Lety Bakery & Cafe
I did not Locked my add It happend by accident and I apologize if I made you get mad It was not my intention any way thanks

Lety Bakery & Cafe

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2008, 10:01:34 AM »
Thank you very much for your help even I  did not ask for it but is OK I see how you are ... Thanks again and have beautiful day .... and i want you to know that this was my first post so i did not know what I was doing and that is why it was all wrong.

Offline toddg

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Re: Locked thread
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2008, 10:22:00 AM »
Thank you, for the explanation, LetyBCafe!  There's no need to apologize.  You just inadvertently used a feature that nobody noticed before!  This board itself is new, and we're still trying to figure things out as well.  By the way, I'm a big fan (my wife just bought me a chocolate croissant from you this morning). 

NYCMacUser -- I can't speak for the other moderators, but my sense is that they agree that we'd like to experiment with making the thread lock available in the Classifieds portion of the site.  I'd like to find ways to encourage neighborhood businesses to participate in the site, and if this option helps them feel more comfortable, I'm all for it.  Questions and comments can always be directed to the author by Private Message.  We will be vigilant, and if anybody appears to be abusing this feature, we will take corrective action.  Please let us know how you think things are going as the experiment progresses.

Please, if you see a locked thread, do not interpret it as a sign of unfriendliness.  It's just a choice to use this board in a different way. 
