Author Topic: memory lane  (Read 1954 times)

Offline JHFAN

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memory lane
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:21:21 PM »
Easier to type by starting another post.

Some thoughts on named places.

Both Lamstons and Woolworths had the very best Rubbermaid sections - something I used alot of back in the day. I remember that Woolworth's had a number of fish tanks on the bottom floor which my young son always liked to look at. I noticed the fish that day were floating (dead) and didn't want him to get upset. So I said to be very quiet that the fish were 'sleeping'. He looks and me and says they aren't sleeping -there dead!! So much for protecting the innocence of a child.

Dragon Seed was the best of the best - they had to this day the worlds greatest spare ribs.
Number 1 Chinese resturant had Sesame chicken whose like I will never taste again. Thye had a bullitin board listing the customers favorite dishes each week - the Sesame chicken was always on the top.
What a great deli Grafs was - Mike's was very good too.
Italian Farms which is still there had the best veal cutlets -today is it so hard to find veal cutlets due to their high cost.
Greco's is another place I really miss.
Cookie Express had the best brownies (Cafe 77 today has very good ones too) and the very best German chocolate cake. Everyone was so nice form the owner John - the baker and the counter girls -I still see Dotty with her red hair every once in awhile.

There was a great Thai resturant on 90th street between Roosevelt and 37th ave which was my first introduction to Thai food.

What a great trip down memory lane - the good part is that we still live in the best neighborhood in Queens!!!!