Author Topic: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets  (Read 3263 times)

Offline dssjh

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2021, 08:17:55 PM »
and i respect your right to engage in right wing trolling, while denying your true nature. ad infinitum. Namaste.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 08:24:16 PM by dssjh »

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2021, 09:12:38 PM »
Ironically, in extremis, the right wing and the left wing become indistinguishable.

Offline NYer1008

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2021, 10:41:19 PM »
Actually, it's the right wing and the right wing in extremis that have become indistinguishable.

The idea that the "extreme" left is similar to let alone indistinguishable from extreme right was BS 30 years ago. Today...well, it would be laughable except absolutely nothing about the right is laughable.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2021, 08:53:12 AM »
In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act

George Orwell.

Offline ChickenringNYC

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2021, 10:28:29 AM »
Actually, it's the right wing and the right wing in extremis that have become indistinguishable.

The idea that the "extreme" left is similar to let alone indistinguishable from extreme right was BS 30 years ago. Today...well, it would be laughable except absolutely nothing about the right is laughable.

Exactly right.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2021, 11:48:54 AM »
My feeling about politics is that the USA always hovers around the center. Not far right, nor far left.

And if it veers in one direction it reverses course towards the other...kinda like a pendulum around the center.

And I think that's ok.

Historically, other nations have veered too much in one direction and it's turned out equally bad...whether left or right.

Offline ClydeM

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2021, 08:19:37 PM »
It's interesting to me that one of the tenets of meta-modernism, which is still a developing philosophy, has turned up on Jackson Heights Life. As far as the sex workers are concerned, I am personally fine with people making a living in that way if it is right for them, provided that they are able to set their own terms. I don't get the impression that that is the case here considering the goons that hang out on 79th and Roosevelt, and the fact that human trafficking and sex slavery is a known problem in Jackson Heights (not to mention Flushing):

To call what happens around here "sex work" is simply not acknowledging that a lot of these women are doing it against their will, or at the very least, that they are not receiving their fare share of their labor. This attitude minimizes the fact that they are not in control of their bodies. No matter your opinion on whether or not sex work should be legal, this really isn't a difficult concept to understand.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2021, 09:07:41 PM »
It's interesting to me that one of the tenets of meta-modernism, which is still a developing philosophy, has turned up on Jackson Heights Life. As far as the sex workers are concerned, I am personally fine with people making a living in that way if it is right for them, provided that they are able to set their own terms. I don't get the impression that that is the case here considering the goons that hang out on 79th and Roosevelt, and the fact that human trafficking and sex slavery is a known problem in Jackson Heights (not to mention Flushing):

To call what happens around here "sex work" is simply not acknowledging that a lot of these women are doing it against their will, or at the very least, that they are not receiving their fare share of their labor. This attitude minimizes the fact that they are not in control of their bodies. No matter your opinion on whether or not sex work should be legal, this really isn't a difficult concept to understand.

I agree. The push to legalize sex work is myopic.
And is somehow bizarrely and incorrectly mixed up with immigrant rights.

My observation of sex work is that initially possibly it may be a way of making a living. Possibly.

But that choice of life is so corrosive to the person that pretty soon the sex worker begins to rely on legal and illicit drugs in order to cope with the lifestyle.

And before long the sex worker finds themself trapped working in the sex trade in order to pay for their drug habit.

Anyone observant can see the endless file of sex workers traipsing to 79th and Roosevelt.

I believe that's one way the "goons" exploit the sex workers.


« Last Edit: October 23, 2021, 09:14:08 PM by abcdefghijk »

Offline pipman

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2021, 03:08:45 PM »
Few people on 34th Avenue today, although I enjoyed my walks at 8:30 am and 1:30 - 3 pm, BUT tons of traffic backed up all over due to the parade today on 37th Avenue.  Good work DOT.

Offline ChickenringNYC

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #54 on: October 24, 2021, 08:44:39 PM »
Few people on 34th Avenue today, although I enjoyed my walks at 8:30 am and 1:30 - 3 pm, BUT tons of traffic backed up all over due to the parade today on 37th Avenue.  Good work DOT.
How's that the DOT's fault? I thought open streets was basically run by volunteers, led (among others) by Jim Burke, car-owner with a cool orange work vest from Maspeth Safety, resident of the beautiful [xxxxxxxxxx], which isn't on 34th Ave. Maybe take it up with him and his "coalition", and while you're at it ask why next weeks Halloween parade is going to mess everything up on 37th Ave for a second week in a row when there's a perfectly nice open street to use.

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« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 11:12:36 PM by toddg »

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #55 on: October 25, 2021, 08:14:59 AM »
Maybe you guys should start participating in community forums? In their presentation to the community board, DoT highlighted the consistently high foot traffic of 34 OS, the great job their partner running the program (Coalition) is doing with programming, and that DoT employees have taken over clean up, maintenance, and some of the barricade duties.

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Re: Conversation about Mid- day changes to Open Streets
« Reply #56 on: October 26, 2021, 06:37:32 AM »
If you want to close 34th Avenue, fine. But first resolve the issues this causes, which are obvious. Don't wait until later and say no one said anything. And deal with the electric vehicles on the Avenue that obey no regulations.

To suggest that no one  has said anything to DoT about the obvious issues is pretty out there.

That is not what the post says.  Plenty of people have pointed out the issues, which is why they are obvious.  The post says "Solve the issues.  Don't pretend they don't exist".  It's been over a year and the same issues exist.

Talk is cheap.