Author Topic: No Vote for Shekar for as Danny Dromm's replacement for Councilperson  (Read 910 times)

Offline itsit

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 He's too close to Danny Dromm and the way things are playing out in the campaigning are not cool. Very disappointed in "the annointed one" and his working favors such as being the only candidate to be associated yesterday with the Open Streets announcement. Complete and bogus power play which is not the type of person we need now in that office. A new regime is needed now more than ever.
   No Vote for Shekar!

Offline 80JHer

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Re: No Vote for Shekar for as Danny Dromm's replacement for Councilperson
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2021, 12:30:53 PM »
I really like Andy-Yi Chen

he seems like the only one that is actually interested in the local neighborhood, instead of preening for national buzz  worthy topics.
Has anyone seen all the cleanup he has orchestrated along the no-go zones by the bowling ally, i'm very impressed by him.   

Online lalochezia

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working favors such as being the only candidate to be associated yesterday with the Open Streets announcement

considering you've taken every opportunity to rail against open streets on this board (including calling them a super-spreader event!*)

......perhaps you are tipping your hand.

I think your post brings up an excellent suggestion, tho': if people who like open streets vote for people who support them then there will be more policies like this!

Which candidates support open streets?


Offline itsit

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 Great idea! Let's discuss all the candidates and their views on Open Streets. It would be informative to hear about how they take a stand on local issues like this. And how they differ from business as usual. A big one for me is how something much more substantial than walking in the street can come to Jackson Heights which is lacking a community center. This is much more important locally and on 365 days a year than the chant of "green space, green space" that tends to dominate the conversation. How about a community center with play space for all ages, a pool!, running tracks, a senior center, a farm spot distribution site, a place for local government info and much more. Oh one more thing, maybe a green roof! Green space...

  Let's think big here people!!! Candidates, I hope you see this and comment.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Jackson Heights is WELL KNOWN as a neighborhood in NYC with the least green space per capita. Compared with other neighborhoods.

We need green space.

Manipulation by changing the conversation is not going to work. Motives and agendas are very transparent on forums like these.

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Seems to me that's because no one counts the interior gardens.  In my eyes Jackson Heights is greener that almost every other neighborhood in NYC.  But unfortunately, we just don't sit adjacent to a big park.  Flushing Hills/Corona park is pretty darn close......and it's almost always void of people. 

Offline dssjh

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the Open Street we currently have is a textbook example of "thinking big." it's not a random dead end block tucked away in a far corner of the neighborhood. it's big, vibrant and much loved.

and there's no reason we can't also have a community center -- which would be a great addition. we can walk and chew gum at the same time. we can fund sanitation, fire and DOT all at once. we can pave roads and build public housing. all at the same time.

Offline petegart

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I for one plan on voting for Shekar Krishnan! 
I have contributed to his campaign, and after reading all his comprehensive and detailed plans - I am more sure than ever he is the right city council candidate.