Author Topic: Mango Rico @ 76th Street  (Read 4082 times)

Offline KGDHP

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2021, 11:47:42 AM »
I like Mango Rico and all and I shop there, but omg. How many fruit places and grocers do we need???? Between the two supermarkets, growing farm, lemon farm, Kim’s brother, and the junky supermarket in the Farine space, that corner is saturated.

Between hair salons, pharmacies, bakeries, and now fruit stands, I just really wish we had some more variety on 37th Avenue. :(

There was a massive shift from eating out to eating at home during COVID. Many people don't commute any more, which means they aren't eating lunches or dinners near their places of work, they're eating them at home where they live. People also don't shop in Manhattan or take the train to a fancier grocery store any more (those who did.) So, big boom in local grocery stores. It'll be interesting to see if that lasts past COVID.

Oh believe me, I get it! I hardly ever eat out anymore. And I’m not hating on MR. I actually shop there often. It’s just an interesting spot to choose bc that corner has a high concentration of similar grocers.

I don’t know if this is going to happen (prob not), but, personally, I would LOVE if MR did something a little different with this space and maybe included a small juice bar in addition to being a grocer. It could work for them. And aside from Just Made, there aren’t a lot of juice bars on 37th ave unless you go higher up in the 90s. I’d be 100% here for that!!

Offline hagsrus

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2021, 09:44:42 PM »
They opened. A bit sparse when I went in today so I guess they are just getting stocked up.

Offline Olivesta

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2021, 08:12:43 AM »
How do you explain the new rice pudding shop then? Isn't that along the lines of "kale salad" places? And what is wrong with kale salad, anyway? We already have Just Made 4 U, a health food place that seems very popular--and not just with the gentrifier crowd. They have very good, and yes, healthy food tailored for people who don't want to eat or cannot eat the heavier, richer cuisines available in JH. They may even have kale smoothies, actually. I used to get their green smoothie and I don't recall if it was kale--but it was delicious. Ordered dinner from them tonight, in fact, as we often do. Do you consider them gentrifiers?

It's my opinion. My opinion is that it won't be years and years...if ever... before Jackson Heights sees a, say, "Beer and Cheese" venue. A true marker of gentrification. Like in Astoria, for instance. Or Bushwick.

NB *Other opinions may differ. Which falls under the definition of "opinions".

The irrational fears of Jackson Heights gentrifying to the extent of Bushwick, are just that; irrational. I also agree with you that anything that is even remotely hip opening up here is years, if not decades off for a variety of reasons (although Terraza 7 does some wonderful and interesting things, and Freddy is extremely open to what he allows to happen there, it isn't really a destination for anyone who lives off of the 7 Line). Jackson Heights simply doesn't have a critical mass of artists working in the neighborhood for that to happen, nor is it convenient enough to Manhattan to be appealing to the people who work in more lucrative fields.

If we could get a good butcher and fish store, I would be happy. And a solid bar (not fancy) that doesn't have wall to wall televisions, or extremely loud, would be a plus. The Ready Penny used to suit my needs before the pandemic, but it would be nice to have another option.

It’s v exciting to hear that a craft beer place is opening on Northern Boulevard..,Queens Beer Factory..serving local beers and snacks. Glad we didnt have to wait years!

Offline Garsleat

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2021, 10:07:16 PM »
Shoppe there today. Some produces spill out onto the street, wider aisles than other locations and getting more stocked up now. Will be competition with nearby grocery stores.

Offline hagsrus

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2021, 12:19:03 AM »
Went in on Tuesday. Rather cramped (all the produce stores seem to be) but the entrance seems wider than usual. We're lucky to have so much choice of quality fruit and veg!

Offline Suzaan

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2021, 05:59:03 PM »
The benefits of Mango Rico are that it is very well-organized, neatly presented, brightly lit, prices clearly marked and well-priced.  All of those except the last are lacking at my former #1, Kim's Bros.  But I shop at Kim's because I don't want to see them have to close, but I bet they will eventually.  Mango Rico just isn't as family funky as the low-down Kim's, it's spiffy, yet the prices are not upscale, or just more, as they are at the produce stands on the north side of 37th.  That distinguishes them, and is a draw.  Less chaotic than the cramped and dimly lit Kim's. And in my experience Lemon Farm can be counted on to charge $1 more for everything than either Kim's or Mango R. 

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2021, 07:27:01 PM »
Lemon Farm is considerably nicer than all the others with better quality goods on the whole.  Kim's Brothers needs to clean up their act.  Get a new awning for cryin' out loud!  It's disgusting.  And please, Mango Rico, invest in the nice signage like the signage you've got at the establishment on 82nd Street. 

Offline Garsleat

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Re: Mango Rico @ 76th Street
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2021, 10:00:53 PM »
 have always had good experience at Kim's Brothers. The staff is friendly and appreciative, always some fruits and veg sales, and while the aisle is narrow, you really can't fault them for that since it is a small space.  When Mango Rico is too crowded, I often hop over to Kim and also hoping to keep them in business.  I've started to buy from the new MR because the other two locations are always popular and crowded.