Author Topic: Actually, 34th Ave Open Streets has not been decided. Zoom tonight 6:00!  (Read 2612 times)

Offline abcdefghijk

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   We are in the midst of a revolution. Telecommunicating has been proven viable by Zoom etc during the pandemic.
There will be less need for driving to work.
Hence cars will be far less necessary.
Such is the future.
Using pre pandemic ideas (as above) will become irrelevant.

A return to "village-like, local-type living" will be the trend. My prediction.
Private cars are OUT.
Uber/Zip cars etc will be in.

  But unfortunately, as we have seen with the Covid19 vaccinations, the well connected internet users who were primarily white, were first, second and third in line. This is not equity and unfortunately, we have some distance to travel before certain populations are equally connected. Poorer schools even here in Queens are not seeing the same opportunities for their students regarding connectivity. Until then the private cars are necessary but as a means of getting to far flung employment and as a source of income for Uber drivers whose own families often can't afford to use the service. We need to be in the now but some of these ideas are great going forward and with extensive planning.

Running a private car is mighty expensive.
Poorer folks can't afford private cars!
Public transport is for the less affluent.

Using the less fortunate to justify the need for private cars...ain't gonna cut it.

Offline itsit

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Running a private car is mighty expensive.
Poorer folks can't afford private cars!
Public transport is for the less affluent.

Using the less fortunate to justify the need for private cars...ain't gonna cut it.

  Yes, this is the plight of the less fortunate when they live in some of the transportation deserts of the city. Not most of Jackson Heights, as we have many options. but many areas in Southeast Queens and others have limited options and somebody or some organization in their world has a vehicle. Many church group rides their seniors to shopping that they could not navigate through transit with stairs being just one of the obstacles. Bus waits can be interminable. In household budgets in Western Queens, cars may not be needed for everyone but if you leave our neighborhood and if you have your own business, we are talking a different story. And yes, this is how many people cut it in other parts of Queens where car culture thrives for a variety of reasons, one being it can be too challenging in their 2021 lives without. But in the future, with planning and improved transit and other options, it may change. Hope so...

Offline abcdefghijk

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Well, if a person lives in suburban settings, they get far more space. Like off the subway lines in Queens or Staten Island.

But transport options are poorer.

Life is choices.

I am looking at NYC urban settings. Like Jackson Heights. Us.

Faraway places have their own parameters.

I wish them well in those far off neighborhoods. Good luck to them and their solutions.

They have very little to do with our urban lifestyles. And are closer to Long Island/New Jersey living. The suburbs.