Author Topic: Outdoor seating areas that seem like indoors  (Read 1503 times)

Offline Shelby2

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Outdoor seating areas that seem like indoors
« on: November 11, 2020, 03:37:04 PM »
Just curious if you are comfortable with the restaurant outdoor seating areas that are almost completely enclosed?
The NY Times just published an article about these setups.

"The Setups for Outdoor Winter Dining Are Lavish. But Are They Safe?
New York’s struggling restaurants will try to lure diners with chandeliers and space blankets — and enclosures that health experts worry could increase the virus risk."

I'm also curious if the rules and regulations from the city are clear and easy to follow, and some restaurants are just ignoring them and hoping not to be fined or shut down? Or if the regulations are unclear and hard to follow.

Offline JHHD

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Re: Outdoor seating areas that seem like indoors
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 06:29:44 PM »
I didn't see this addressed in the article, but from what I have read, if the outdoor dining setup is enclosed on more than two sides, it is subject to the same percentage restriction as the indoor dining section.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Outdoor seating areas that seem like indoors
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2020, 08:28:08 AM »
^yes, it was addressed. I'm disappointed at how many restaurants have completely ignored (or not bothered to use Google to find out) what the restrictions and requirements are for outdoor dining. I'm also disheartened at how many people are willingly cramming themselves in to fully enclosed boxes. It's like everyone has completely forgotten the nightmare we all lived through - and quite a few of us in this community did not survive - in the spring.

I won't be taking my meals at any indoor dining spaces until there's a vaccine and widespread vaccinations.

The city and state have imposed new rules for winter outdoor dining: A space will be considered indoor dining if more than 50 percent of its wall area is covered and be subject to the 25 percent capacity limit and other restrictions, including spacing tables six feet apart.

Offline JHMNY

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Re: Outdoor seating areas that seem like indoors
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2020, 02:55:48 PM »
A sad warning for restaurants. Fully enclosed outdoor dining spaces may be forced to shut down due to increasing Covid hospitalizations in NY.

From Gothamist:

Cuomo Says It's "Probable" Indoor Dining Will Shut Down In NYC As Soon As Next Monday

Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Monday morning that indoor dining will be shut down in New York City "as early as Monday" if the hospitalization rates don't stabilize before then. Indoor dining will also decrease from 50% to 25% in other parts of the state if those regions also don't get hospitalization rates under control.

"Do I believe between now and five days we'll see a stabilization rate in New York City? I would be pleasantly surprised. I don't think it is probable, but it is possible," Cuomo said during the press conference in Midtown on Monday. "Do I think we hit hospitalization criticality and have to close down? I pray no, I hope no, I hope New Yorkers get it before we get there."

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Outdoor seating areas that seem like indoors
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2020, 05:55:35 AM »
^I suspect most restaurants won't recognize their indoor outdoor dining is included in a shutdown. Or seek clarification. My guess is they'll just continue on until there's a crackdown.