Author Topic: Anyone know what is happening with the old Coral Aquarium Pet Store?  (Read 3179 times)

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Anyone know what is happening with the old Coral Aquarium Pet Store?
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2020, 08:21:04 AM »
I think the real change in this neighborhood occurred during the 50s and 60s when the so-called white flight happened. But people complain about this Neighborhood changing, gentrifying, maybe caucasians moving in. And a Starbucks.  The total opposite than of what happened during white flight. You certainly had all these immigrants stores opening up. I wonder if people were complaining back then about the bodegas on their block taking away business from their own coffee shops and delis

I would say that in the 1960's, the immigrants saved neighborhoods from becoming another abandoned Detroit. (Detroit of today where they have lost over 50% of their population from their demographic peak)

NY was shrinking in population due to the white flight in the same way in that 1950's/60's/70's/80's era.

You can tell this was definitely occurring in Jackson Heights because Historic District co-ops had decreased greatly in price in the 1960's/1970's. (and then 1980's due to JH becoming a drug center for NYC)

Co-ops were worth less because folks were fleeing NYC and population was decreasing.

So, I imagine business folks were GRATEFUL for the immigrant influx.

More folks = more business.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Anyone know what is happening with the old Coral Aquarium Pet Store?
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2020, 02:45:43 PM »
We will also miss the pet store but truth be told, it was more expensive than some of the other offerings around now along with the convenience of a Chewy delivery. They were lovely people at Coral and great with kids, it's true, but in this case, I feel like it's an evolution of a business. The space at one time was probably so cheap that they expanded sideways but then it's hard to downsize as needed when the sales tightened more recently and the rent increases kept coming.
  Starbucks offers a place in the neighborhood for kids and others that need a wifi spot to meet/work in as well as getting those beverages. During exam weeks, it's a madhouse. The other coffee offerings in the neighborhood are great too but I see the Kebab King's dollar chai and the Starbucks flat white as serving two different and co-existing clienteles.

Very good point here. Starbucks isn't a coffee shop - it's really a co-working/homework space. It's where people go to get out of their small apartments and work or study, and I'm glad it plays that role (as opposed to, say, E77, which plays a different role as a social gathering space for the neighborhood.) I'm concerned though that the under-the-tracks location will be harsh and rattly for people who want to settle in and get work done.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Anyone know what is happening with the old Coral Aquarium Pet Store?
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2020, 08:14:33 PM »
Looks like the space has been divided up. Anyone know if there are any new tenants lined up yet?

Half of it is definitely going to be a Starbucks. Which I'm actually really excited about. I got that info by looking up the building address in the DOB database. The other half, I'm not sure if it's something else or an extension!

You were right. I saw pics online of Starbucks storefront under construction in half of the Coral Aquarium space online.

Offline KGDHP

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Re: Anyone know what is happening with the old Coral Aquarium Pet Store?
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2020, 09:17:37 PM »
Ahhh! Well I'm glad I researched it! Still excited. I feel like this is going to be a nice step up for the corner and it maybe looks like one of the newer ones.