Author Topic: New Website - Winkler Wealth  (Read 2047 times)

Offline hcwaustria

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New Website - Winkler Wealth
« on: November 18, 2019, 02:45:17 PM »
It is my great pleasure to introduce my new business website Winkler Wealth. Please visit the website at

Hans-Christian Winkler, CFP® at Winkler Wealth, an independent financial planning practice, offers his clients the same sophisticated investment strategy that University Endowment Plans and Family Offices have successfully applied to create and increase their wealth for over 30 years.

Most individual investors today still hold on to “Traditional Portfolio Allocations”, which often consist of a mixture of 70/30 60/40 or 50/50 equity/bond allocations, whereas University Endowment Plans and Family Offices have been taking advantage of incorporating Alternative Investments into their investment portfolios. This investment strategy may provide investors with potentially more consistent returns in recent history.

Alternative Investments are mostly absent in individual investors investment portfolios which leaves them solely dependent on good stock market performance for positive returns, and potentially vulnerable during market volatility and downturns.

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner, Hans has been incorporating Alternative Investments for accredited investors since 2012 into modern day “Full Spectrum Diversification Models” that consist of a mixture of equities, bonds and Alternative Investments. Some Alternative Investments may not be appropriate or accessible to every investor due to individuals' investment objectives and risk tolerances.

Investors who invest into these models are able to potentially experience the following results:

1. Less stock/bond market dependence
2. State of the art diversification
3. Less portfolio volatility
4. More consistency
5. Better predictability
6. More tax savings
7. Effective tax solutions

If you would like to have a 2nd opinion and a free, no-obligation, portfolio analysis about your current investment allocation and see how your portfolio could be made less stock market dependent, please feel free to contact me at either 917-415-3915 or  For more information please visit our website at

I am a Jackson Heights resident with offices in midtown Manhattan, and do take appointments in Jackson Heights every Friday.

Thank you,

Hans-Christian Winkler, CFP®

1)Investment advice provided through Claraphi Advisory Network, LLC ("Claraphi"), an SEC-registered investment advisor. Mr. Winkler is an investment advisor representative of Claraphi.
2) Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Whether an asset-class is correlated or non-correlated with the stock markets does not predict or guarantee investment gains. We believe it is an aid to overall diversification and downside risk mitigation in constructing and managing a portfolio.
3)Many of these investments contain substantial risks and are illiquid. They may be appropriate only for Accredited Investors. We are not making any offer to sell, any solicitation to buy, or any recommendation of any specific security in this communication.

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Re: New Website - Winkler Wealth
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2019, 10:07:20 PM »
Family offices and university endowment funds are working with way more money than the average investor - even at accredited investor levels. That presents way different risk profiles. And given the way alternative investments are run and sourced, I don't see how they can even be efficient transactions, let alone sound investments.

Offline hcwaustria

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Re: New Website - Winkler Wealth
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2019, 11:28:00 AM »
Thank you for your message, and I understand that most investors are not familiar with alternative investments, and there are many misconceptions about them. I am not sure how you define "average investor", but in order to be able to invest into almost all alternative investments, you need to qualify as an "accredited investor". Having said that and to be clear, alternative investments are not for everyone! However, there has been a major shift in the alternative investment industry bringing the same offerings Family Offices invest in to accredited investors for much lower $ minimums. Incorporating sound alternative investments into investment portfolios is still something new to both accredited investors and even a majority of financial advisors, as many wire house firms still only offer these type of opportunities and portfolios to ultra high net worth investors. If you are interested to learn more about alternative investments and how to properly incorporate them into portfolios, I would be happy to meet and shed light upon your mentioned concerns about them. Thank you and please let me know, Hans.

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Re: New Website - Winkler Wealth
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2020, 01:37:23 PM »
Sounds just like what blew up the most recently.