Author Topic: Help keep JH's Curbside Tree Gardens blooming this Saturday forward.  (Read 521 times)

Offline lmaniace

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Jackson Heights curbside tree gardens are blooming. Help us keep them blooming all spring, summer and fall!

Saturday April 28, 10 a.m.,
Meet SE corner of 80th Street and 37th Avenue
We are out most weekends, mostly Saturdays, some Sundays. See JHBG's FB page for details or contact me at to be put on our email list for updates

JHBG's Tree LC volunteers turn these plots into botanical jewels, bursting with color and providing mini-habitats for butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects. They also part of a citywide strategy to collect runoff, preventing sewage treatment plants from being overloaded during rains and then dumping waste into local waterways. We are working on 45 curbside gardens, almost all on 37th Avenue from 74th Street to 87th Street, and few on 75th Street near the subway.

Tree gardens also significantly reduce temperatures lessening the need for air conditioning, cutting electricity usage and emissions of global warming carbon dioxide.

It's beautify with a higher purpose. So join us.  We'll be out again the next week, Saturday, May 5, at 10 a.m. 

Tree LC is one of two JHBG greening programs. Why two? We’ve got a lot to green in JH.