Author Topic: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue  (Read 1551 times)

Offline taylj052

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Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« on: April 18, 2018, 02:31:12 PM »
Hey Everyone! I'm a student at The New School and for my constructed environment class we were asked to choose a neighborhood in NYC and find something in the area that could be improved or if we saw something in need for the neighborhood. I observed that there were no bike lanes on Roosevelt Avenue and that it seems unsafe for people riding bikes there. I was just wondering if you feel bike lanes are needed in the neighborhood and on Roosevelt Avenue? I would love the input and thoughts of people actually living in the neighborhood and the community! :D

Offline N00b

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 02:40:07 PM »
I would not ride on Roosevelt Ave. There's a bike lane a few avenues down on 34th that serves the purpose perfectly fine for any similar routes. Even with bike lanes, the drivers in this area tend to be pretty reckless and would not abide it.

Offline wk067781

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2018, 03:29:19 PM »
Drivers are terrible here, double parking everywhere, not yielding to pedestrians. Bike lanes will get people killed

Offline Marco

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2018, 04:22:17 PM »
I sometimes bike and am a proponent of bike lanes in general. As another person said, the lane on 34 Ave is good and parallel to Roosevelt for a fair bit.
A big issue with putting a bike lane on Roosevelt Avenue is that there's often major noise pollution from the 7 train there. If you're biking, can't hear anything at all but a train, you're not aware if a bus or truck is coming up behind you. Basically, I'm saying that when biking, you generally want to be able to hear what's going on around you for your own safety.

I would be in favour of more bike lanes in other streets nearby but not particularly Roosevelt.

You could also throw your question to this group for more opinion:

Offline sl

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2018, 09:48:15 PM »
Horrible idea. Roosevelt is already too congested. Having bike lanes there is much too dangerous.

Offline Alfster

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2018, 10:02:49 PM »
I don't think bike lanes would be a great idea along Roosevelt Avenue as it is already quite congested and not very well lit at night in some areas. 

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2018, 10:43:19 PM »
I think on Roosevelt it's better to ride with traffic. It's slow enough (or should be)

Offline missmarty

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2018, 07:47:56 AM »
There are scores of people riding on Roosevelt, including me. It's dangerous as many drivers turn without signaling and open their doors into traffic. A cyclist has to ride with a lot of awareness.
I don't think it needs a bike lane. It's too narrow for the only bike lane I'd support: one in the center on the double lines.
We need bike lanes on Broadway- From Northern Boulevard to Queens Boulevard a recent street design left space for them, so it would be easy to get them put in. Plus Broadway connects to Queens Boulevard bike lanes, and bike routes to Queens Borough Bridge.

Another spot would be Woodside Ave, which Baxter turns into at Broadway- again, there is space for them, and it's a connector to other routes.

A third place would be an off-street protected lane along Citi Field parking lot on 114th st. This would be a much safer connection to FMCP and there is a new pedestrian/bike entrance to the park at Roosevelt/114

4th- the bike lane on 34th needs improvements. I am concerned that the new school PS398, which will open at 34th and 69th street will have big complaints about the pre-existing bike lane there. I don't know what will be the front entrance to the school, probably 34th.

I want everyone who can be, to be ahead of the controversy- and support bike infrastructure at that location. Maybe it should be a protected lane by the school, as cars criss-cross north and south getting to the BQE.

Offline missmarty

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2018, 07:52:48 AM »
Also, after a cyclist was killed at LaGuardia Airport, the response was to close that road to cyclists. It was very dangerous to ride on. However, Port Authority just permanently closed a popular bike route in to LGA at 27th Ave bridge over to the Promenade.

Bike routes to and within LaGuardia are a hot topic. There was sufficient need for them before, construction exacerbated it, with the need for workers to get around the driving congestion, and now- with the horrible response from PANYNJ. They have a bike master plan for all their locations, and research on that might lead to better cycling infrastructure when construction is complete. I'd pick this as a first choice, and include bike parking structures that are safe and secure. (and when you're drawing it out, add a bunch of Citibike stations!)

Offline missmarty

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2018, 07:54:16 AM »
Also, after a cyclist was killed at LaGuardia Airport, the response was to close that road to cyclists. It was very dangerous to ride on. However, Port Authority just permanently closed a popular bike route in to LGA at 27th Ave bridge over to the Promenade.

Bike routes to and within LaGuardia are a hot topic. There was sufficient need for them before, construction exacerbated it, with the need for workers to get around the driving congestion, and now- with the horrible response from PANYNJ. They have a bike master plan for all their locations, and research on that might lead to better cycling infrastructure when construction is complete. I'd pick this as a first choice, and include bike parking structures that are safe and secure. (and when you're drawing it out, add a bunch of Citibike stations!)

Offline Marco

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2018, 09:16:55 AM »
I second the idea put forth by missmarty to have a bike lane on Broadway between Northern Boulevard and Queens Boulevard.

Broadway is already very wide indeed so there is ample space to do it. A bike lane on this particular stretch would be very encouraging for JH residents to commute to Manhattan by bike.

Offline pgoat

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2018, 04:48:05 PM »
Generally, I believe cyclists should use the safest routes possible. Along with the other reasons given here, the fact that Roosevelt is dark, even in the day time, due to the tracks blocking sunlight, make it a rather unsafe prospect.

The good news is there usually are safe options that run parallel or closeby to even the most dangerous streets.  If any would-be or newbie riders are reading this and looking for guidance, I highly recommend looking at the NYC DOT map of bike lanes.  It gets updated each year and includes safety information and bike shop locations.  There are paper copies available at most bike shops if you prefer old school.

DOT offers a bevy of additional bike info here, so make use of it:

Safe rides, all.

Offline specanha

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Re: Bike Lanes on Roosevelt Avenue
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2018, 10:31:10 PM »
hi, taylj052
I encourage you to look into our problem of park access. There are not enough parks in Jackson Heights/East Elmhurst areas. Maybe you can find creative solutions to improve and increase green urban space.

As for bike lanes, Roosevelt Ave. is a complicated issue and I think it's highly unlikely that either the DOT would propose or the community board would approve a bike lane there. I second Miss Marty's alternatives, if proposing bike lanes is an issue that's close to your heart.

NYC DOT has come up with the following bike lanes projects, in part as a response to the community's request to improve park access:

They are a small improvement, but not enough.

One interesting problem would be to somehow create a protected bike lane on 31st avenue. But it's not easy, the street is not wide enough to accommodate current protected bike lane standards and removing too many parking spaces would kill the bike lane in the community board. So, good luck with that. But, hey, this the kind of problem you're signing up for.

Another interesting problem to solve is how to improve awareness and access to Flushing Bay Promenade. It is a decent, yet neglected, 1. 3 promenade by Flushing Bay, near LGA. It is not well known and not used often enough by the community, because access to it is difficult.

On the link that I shared above, the DOT outlined a clear bike route that takes people to the promenade. The problem is that none of those bike lanes are protected and some are shared lanes. Many unexperienced riders could get confused by the pavement markings or would be afraid of riding in shared lanes (even though these routes are mostly along fairly calm streets).

Finally, I would suggest that you consider working on a cheap wayfinding solution that can help people get oriented within these routes. Ideally something that could be stenciled on the pavement.

Good luck.