Author Topic: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?  (Read 6368 times)

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2017, 08:30:17 AM »
Hey, I kinda agree with THEPLANESLAND.

The historic district of Jackson Heights is gentrified.  But that's only maybe only 25% of Jackson Heights.

The other 75% is immigrant communities.

(And that's what makes the neighborhood real)

And business is simply a matter of numbers and no more complicated than that.

So either a business caters to a 25,000 market  or a 75,000 market. (Approx)

If I were a business person, the numbers immediately suggest the markets to aim for to make a good profit.

IMO, I think the commercial mix in Jackson Heights at the moment is great.

Offline ljr

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2017, 08:33:25 AM »
Theplanesland--please explain exactly how the presence of the immigrant population in JH has directly led to the difficulties of the Queensboro and Swim Two Birds? What is the connection? And how, to take a recent example, is a shop like the new Fresh Spilt Milk able to open up in a reasonable time frame? Fresh Spilt Milk takes the health food orientation of Just Made 4 U (which I love) to a new and higher level for the neighborhood, and is very much an upscale, Park Slope-type of shop in its offerings (not talking about price points, which I haven't assessed). I think it will be very successful here, as Just Made 4 U seems to be--and the latter attracts many customers who are not English-speaking Caucasians, by the way. Also, I've noticed that many of the South American-type restaurants in JH are quite expensive and seem to be going strong. How can that be if JH is made up of mostly low-income immigrants and thus cannot support more upscale shops and restaurants? That's too simplistic.

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2017, 11:19:35 AM »
Theplanesland--please explain exactly how the presence of the immigrant population in JH has directly led to the difficulties of the Queensboro and Swim Two Birds?

Lots of people on this board have complained that they want businesses like QB and STB to open. QB and STB tried to open. QB and STB have not been able to open, and it's been years. QED, this neighborhood is clearly not fertile ground for businesses like QB and STB.

The upscale South American places work in part because this is a destination neighborhood for people from certain South American communities. They know they can find the nice Colombian food in Jackson Heights, so they come to Jackson Heights for the nice Colombian food, which is great. Those businesses aren't purely 'fed' by residents of the neighborhood. And there are a lot of neighborhoods which have new-American places with low-wattage light bulbs, some of which (Astoria) are very close to here.

Offline ljr

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2017, 12:01:00 PM »
The planesland--your logic is faulty. QED??? You have not demonstrated the relationship between QB and STB not opening for years and the demographics of the neighborhood. You can state that demographics explain the problem--but that's just a statement of opinion with no backup to persuade me that it's accurate. It's your assumption. I happen to think you are wrong. Maybe it's issues with particular landlords, issues with particular city regulations, issues with the owners' particular finances or business abilities. How does the inability of a business to make it to opening relate to what you suppose would be the lack of interested or financially flush customers should these businesses actually open. Just doesn't make sense. You probably would have stated that no way, no how would anyone pay a million dollars for a house or coop in JH. But it's happening.

Offline jackinjh

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2017, 12:36:18 PM »
planesland, aint you contradict your logic here. So QB and STB both decided to spend all the time, money and effort then realize the demographics wont works. So why bother to attempt to open in the first place if the demographic doesn't support these kind of restaurant.

Offline N00b

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2017, 12:58:06 PM »
To be honest, in terms of dining and all that, I'd rather this neighborhood remain ethnic and be a destination for these cuisines. I don't see why new American/Italian can't also be a destination that people travel out of the neighborhood for rather than a de facto neighborhood spot for people.

There are already plenty of neighborhoods that are gentrified with boring food. I could even see an argument for some of that type of businesses in a place like LIC where the neighborhood was pretty barren with no distinct character like 10 years ago and didn't have much character and you're starting from scratch but there's already a robust culture with various businesses. It's not much different from people moving into Chinatown proper to open up a dive bar because now it has some ironic hipster cachet. It doesn't fit and it threatens the neighborhood when landlords hold out for that kind of business and end up displacing the kind of people who would open up businesses consistent with the original neighborhood. 

Offline ljr

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2017, 01:43:08 PM »
Well, another issue that matters to me, at least, is that some people for health reasons need to adhere to diets that are not highly spicy, not rice-and-noodle based, and do not feature cream-and-butter-rich sauces. For people like me and my family, there is a limited supply of dining spots where you can have a meal that fits within your dietary restrictions. And beyond people with, say, diabetes or digestive issues, there are lots of people who should be limiting their intake of saturated fats and carbs. Mediterranean cuisine is great for that--lots of grilled meats and fish, sauteed vegetables, and salads without heavy sauces or seasoning. That's why I am looking forward to the new Greek place that is supposed to be replacing the bagel place on 37th.

And that's the biggest reason why I would love to have greater restaurant variety in JH. I simply cannot eat often at the restaurants that predominate around here. And why exactly should I have to travel to Astoria or somewhere else for that--so that JH can remain "pure" in its predominant ethnic groups? This notion seems quite silly to me. I'm not pining for the Four Seasons to open here--just someplace to have a simple, healthy, digestible meal.

Offline jeanette

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2017, 03:51:20 PM »
Well, another issue that matters to me, at least, is that some people for health reasons need to adhere to diets that are not highly spicy, not rice-and-noodle based, and do not feature cream-and-butter-rich sauces. For people like me and my family, there is a limited supply of dining spots where you can have a meal that fits within your dietary restrictions. And beyond people with, say, diabetes or digestive issues, there are lots of people who should be limiting their intake of saturated fats and carbs. Mediterranean cuisine is great for that--lots of grilled meats and fish, sauteed vegetables, and salads without heavy sauces or seasoning. That's why I am looking forward to the new Greek place that is supposed to be replacing the bagel place on 37th.

And that's the biggest reason why I would love to have greater restaurant variety in JH. I simply cannot eat often at the restaurants that predominate around here. And why exactly should I have to travel to Astoria or somewhere else for that--so that JH can remain "pure" in its predominant ethnic groups? This notion seems quite silly to me. I'm not pining for the Four Seasons to open here--just someplace to have a simple, healthy, digestible meal.

You are right on the money, ljr. People get so caught up on ethnic. Heck, isn't everything ethnic after all? But yes, can I get a falafel please that isn't grilled on a meat grill. Or a vegan slice. I could go on and on, but I will get backlash!

Offline ljr

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2017, 04:08:52 PM »
Jeanette--you are so right re: backlash. It's somehow an insult to various groups if you don't like or can't digest this or that type of food. By that logic, if you are a vegetarian you are de facto insulting meat-eaters, and since there are more carnivores in the neighborhood than vegetarians, you should just go someplace else to get your precious vegetable dishes and stop requesting that they be available nearby.

Personally, I moved to JH six years ago, ran around eating at all the restaurants (including Lety's), and quickly gained 10-plus pounds.  Now I have lost the weight, developed a more delicate digestive system, and have to mostly avoid all the Thai, Indian, Nepalese, Pakistani, etc, places. And am left with the diners, which I find not terribly good, or the South American, heavy meat- and-potatoes type places--and I hardly ever eat meat. I order from Just Made 4 U whenever I order, which is often. Would just like a few alternatives, ideally places I would enjoy dining out at.

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #39 on: December 20, 2017, 04:36:09 PM »
Do people on this thread know that all they desire can be had in Brooklyn!? Or even Astoria or Long Island City (and Sunnyside much of it)?

Offline jeanette

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2017, 04:51:47 PM »
haha, too funny.

gee, I'm hungry, let me take two trains and walk 20 blocks for a cucumber sandwich and a cup of Earl Grey. What, no 7 train?

I'm already skinny, thank you.

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2017, 05:00:48 PM »
haha, too funny.

gee, I'm hungry, let me take two trains and walk 20 blocks for a cucumber sandwich and a cup of Earl Grey. What, no 7 train?

I'm already skinny, thank you.

What I meant is that one could move to any number of other neighborhoods rather than waiting for Jackson Heights to change to fit their preferences.

Offline jeanette

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2017, 05:14:07 PM »
What I meant is that one could move to any number of other neighborhoods rather than waiting for Jackson Heights to change to fit their preferences.

But of course, let me get right on that.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 05:19:32 PM by jeanette »

Offline ljr

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2017, 10:42:03 PM »
Oh yes--if you don't like it, move! JH is perfect just as it is--maybe YOU don't belong here. What a lovely sentiment. So helpful. This thread was started by Addictive, the new tapas and wine bar--a beautiful example of the sort of (oh the horror of it!) "upscale" or "gentrified" offering that is enhancing the neighborhood and attracting all sorts of customers, from all sorts of backgrounds. All some of us want is more of the same. What is so terrible, so threatening about a broader array of retail offerings in JH? How does it hurt the neighborhood? I see a lot of empty storefronts. I don't think the new stores are actually displacing anyone, but rather adding options and life to JH.

Offline daisy

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Re: New Year is approaching...What do you want to see opening comes 2018?
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2017, 11:14:45 PM »
I'd like to see a legit deli/butcher. We lost Italian Farms and that space has already gone through a 99cent store and now it's a salon. Every other store here is a salon.