Author Topic: Giving Tuesday to JHBG- our local whole neighborhood volunteers!  (Read 1166 times)

Offline itsit

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 Here is a post from Nuala copied from JH Families. Its so important to support our community and this group covers so much territory in the neighborhood with very little funding. Let's change that by becoming a member today- $25, and send a bit more if you can afford it. If the links don't connect go to and click on "membership".

To the Jackson Heights Community,

I want to ask each of you to join the Jackson Heights Beautification Group (JHBG). Membership is just $25 a year for which we will mail you our informative quarterly newsletter and you will be supporting your neighbors.  Become a member by clicking here.‎

I am sure you have seen my posts in the past about JHBG activities, but in this new era of uncertainty, I believe community is more important than ever. What is community when you live in NYC? I believe it is giving back to your neighbors and neighborhood which is exactly what JHBG does.
JHBG takes care of green spaces and street trees;   
we produce the annual Holiday Tree lighting (on Saturday, December 10th at 4 PM ‎this year);
we host the JH Orchestra (playing next on December 14th)‎; 
we educate parents about  our local public schools (kindergarten forum on December 8th and PreK and K forum January 7th);
we run the annual Historic Weekend tours every June;
we host Summer Sunday concerts in Travers Park in July and August;
we are the JH dog run on 69th Street;
we run the composting center on 69th Street;
we host the JH Halloween Parade;
we remove graffiti;
we host an annual children's art competition in the Spring;
we respond to community concerns by hosting forums; and
most of all we support people who want to improve Jackson Heights!
We do this as an all-volunteer organization and your contribution is 100% tax deductible as we are registered as a 501(c)3 organization.  To succeed we need members like you from around JH‎ to join us in our efforts.  Take a moment on this giving Tuesday to join us in making JH all it can be.  Please contact me if you would like to volunteer.  If you want to make a donation, just click on the link below or see the address to send a check.
Become a member of JHBG
Your annual membership in the Jackson Heights Beautification Group helps fund our activities, demonstrates your commitment to our community, and permits us to be your voice for making Jackson Heights a better place. JHBG is made up of volunteers. It’s a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization, and your contribution is tax-deductible.
For questions or concerns, contact us. Because we are a volunteer organization it may take us a few days to respond.
Donate to JHBG and become a member by clicking here.
Or donate by mail; download the JHBG membership form.
Please print out the membership form, fill it out and mail it with your payment to:
Jackson Heights Beautification Group
Attn.: Membership
PO Box 720253
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Thank you!

Offline itsit

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Re:Giving Tuesday to JHBG-our local whole neighborhood volunteers!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2017, 04:46:05 PM »
 Hello. Giving Tuesday is once again upon us. This year the Jackson Heights Beautification Group is registered officially
with this group and if your company does matching gifts, for example, you can use this official international site to donate and maximize the amount. The other option is donating directly to the group on their website ( which is easy to do
with paypal or credit cards. Sending donations in mail is great too. Whatever works for you. December events coming up are
the tree lighting and caroling event on Dec.9th at the JH Post Office, the JH Orchestra holiday concert on Dec. 13th at St. Marks Church and a volunteer dinner with details on the site later in the month.
 And one more -  the Santa bike ride from Travers Park where JHBG helped with funding - also on Dec. 9th. So help them make
your neighborhood of Jackson Heights, the best place to live.