Author Topic: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)  (Read 3316 times)

Offline Fedup

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2017, 03:23:57 PM »
So ugly. What about the windows on the other building? Will they just be blocked out or be inches away from this new building?

Also, this is very off-topic but I live in the building next door and always wanted a courtyard like the one depicted in the renderings. But our "courtyard" is basically a trash heap full of old refrigerators, bags upon bags of plastic bottles, and every other tool known to man. It's such a waste.

Offline hfm

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2017, 08:51:28 PM »
So ugly. What about the windows on the other building? Will they just be blocked out or be inches away from this new building?

Also, this is very off-topic but I live in the building next door and always wanted a courtyard like the one depicted in the renderings. But our "courtyard" is basically a trash heap full of old refrigerators, bags upon bags of plastic bottles, and every other tool known to man. It's such a waste.

Yeah, the building behind it would lose their view and have a cacaphony of air conditioners to deal with a mere 23 feet away. That's basically zero room. 23 feet is nothing. If I owned in that building I'd be super angry. We own facing 37th in the same situation some blocks down in in the upper 70's. We spent a lot of time researching and felt safe in that this was a landmarked neighborhood and we wouldn't lose our view. It was one of the reasons we bought. If that 1 story we can see the top of burned and someone wanted to stick a 5-6 story building in it's place we'd be fighting tooth and nail to keep our spacious view. It's relaxing, it's nice to just walk down most parts of 37th and be able to see the sky, trees behind the 1 story strips. It seems open and inviting. I like how our neighborhood is designed I don't want to see it chipped away just to increase the overcrowding and fill someone's pockets.

Let me ask this, what's the reason that we NEED this extension? Lets be real it's not benefiting anyone in the neighborhood but the building owner. They probably don't even live here. And I'm damn sure they don't live in the the building behind it.

Offline Liz

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2017, 07:56:25 AM »
Does anyone know what happened at the meeting, and when there will be a decision?

Offline earbears

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2017, 10:17:40 PM »
Unfortuantely it appears that the Landmarks Commission does not agree with our comment, ideas or even their own declaration. It appears that they have approved as appropriate the addional floors to be built above the taxpayer on the corner of 85th Street and 37th Avenue.

Now, the owner needs to present to the Buidings Department to get a construction permit. We have only hope that there is something that will not meet the building codes of this district.

I will try to keep you informed.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2017, 06:24:19 AM »
Why on Earth would they choose Roosevelt Terrace as the building to draw "inspiration" from?

Well, it's the closest post-war building, and is a complex of four buildings. From a certain point of view, I can see the reasoning that drawing design elements from next door post-war building in a Historical District would be helpful. And chances are the shareholders at Roosevelt Terrace have been heavily involved in the opposition to this proposed addition, so I can see why the developer would think aping RT made sense on two levels: to fit in design wise and to deliver a poke in the eye to what I imagine has been a big part of the opposition to this project.

As an aside, RT's balconies are useable spaces - you can see residents there can put out chairs and tables and really enjoy the space. These "balconies" look like the type of balconies someone added to a design to be able to check off the "balcony" box for an apartment listing. Not usable save to stick some plants on in warm weather and send someone to smoke.

So you believe that the neighborhood reached its ideal physical form in 1993 (not before and not after), and should remain completely unchanged forevermore, so that our descendants 500 years hence can marvel at C-Town? I dunno, guys.

Only if the grocery store in the property in 500 years continues to provide low quality produce with holes in the floor. Folks will be able to marvel that people didn't develop scurvy. :) Really though, there are parts of JH where there is a canyon effect along 37th Avenue. The sections with one story buildings are along the avenue really are nicer to walk along, even if the retail at the ground level is less than exciting in those parts.

Offline francis

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2017, 04:07:17 PM »
Disappointing news. So surprised this was approve as it is contradictory to why we were landmarked in the first place.

Offline hfm

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2017, 10:54:47 AM »
It would be very interesting to have some transparency around the reasoning why it was approved.

Offline Jhx

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2017, 11:11:41 AM »
So I guess the building directly across the street will be next in line?

Offline Liz

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2017, 12:19:01 PM »
I'm not surprised, although I am saddened.  I fear this will set a precedent for other buildings.  On the other hand, we don't want to encourage arson in the neighborhood.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2017, 01:39:31 PM »
I'm not surprised, although I am saddened.  I fear this will set a precedent for other buildings.  On the other hand, we don't want to encourage arson in the neighborhood.

Well, as we know from experience, all arson gets you is a giant unoccupied white elephant and the loss of a really good Argentinian steakhouse.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Landmarks - Online comments needed by 4pm today (MOnday 5/8)
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2017, 02:32:49 PM »
I hope there is some rule or clause in there somewhere that dictates what residents will be allowed to put on those tiny little balconies.  (For example, will they be able to hang wet towels out there?) I was just passing through Corona yesterday and saw so many horribly ugly Fedders types of buildings where the balconies have essentially become trash receptacles. Hope that won't happen whatsoever with this building. I am assuming Roosevelt Terrace has strict rules for balconies, as all the balconies there appear to be very well kept.