Author Topic: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights  (Read 5307 times)

Offline dssjh

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2015, 05:07:47 PM »
you can follow the gentlemen who move - usually in twos and threes - up 37th collecting donations back to the temple if you like. it's not terribly far.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2015, 11:16:14 AM »
I'm not denying the scam exists.  But I think it's plausible that non-scammers are being painted by the same brush.  Personally, I wouldn't be inclined to give money either way.

The real monks do not solicit money or anything else.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2015, 01:58:37 PM »
that is true. they accept, but do not solicit.

Offline toddg

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2015, 01:59:10 PM »
Yes, I know that has been your assertion.   I'm asking how you know that.

Offline Superclam

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2015, 02:41:15 PM »
If I'm not mistaken, it's a Buddhist tradition. It gives merit to the giver.

If someone wants to donate but is unsure of the veracity of the monks, they can give to directly to the the temple or monastery.

Offline Lilybell

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2015, 04:36:00 PM »
Real monks are not even supposed to touch money (although I think many do; it's more strict in Asia). The only alms they can accept is food.

The fake ones usually don't even know the salutation to the Buddha and that's a good test to differentiate between them: Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambudhhasa (three times in a row).

Offline Minimal4me

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2015, 06:49:03 PM »
I think the safe bet is to donate food. True monks will appreciate it. Scammers will not profit.

Offline snickers

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2015, 07:22:42 PM »
I have seen monks walking in robes and sandals on 46th Ave in Elmhurst. They stop in front of houses and empty
bowls of white rice onto the sidewalk. I have also seen a buddhist monk playing a scratch off game at a local deli.
He was scratching off the lottery card feverishly.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2015, 09:15:48 PM »
I have seen monks walking in robes and sandals on 46th Ave in Elmhurst. They stop in front of houses and empty
bowls of white rice onto the sidewalk. I have also seen a buddhist monk playing a scratch off game at a local deli.
He was scratching off the lottery card feverishly.

kinda like running a bingo game in the temple.....i mean, "church."

Offline puri

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Re: Buddhist monk scam in Jackson Heights
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2015, 01:55:44 AM »
As far as I know, Thai monks in the Elmhurst temple (Wat Buddha Thaithavornvanaram) don't go out for any offerings. They mainly rely on temple-goers simply because not enough people give out food in the vicinity.

As Lilybell mentioned, some Theravada Buddhist monks in Thailand are strict about money; they cannot directly receive any monetary offering or pay for any goods or services. I think Thai monks here are not that strict; they should be able to receive some money in the name of the temple but they should not be seen buying anything (or you can report them.) Some other Buddhist sects can be much less strict though.

If anyone wants to take a look at the temple and how Thai monks look like, April 12th is a good chance to go (76th St & 46th Ave). There will be Song Kran Festival from 9am to 4pm. The ideal time is around 11am to 1pm when lunch is served, for free! (You are supposed to donate to the temple a bit though.)