Author Topic: When the neighbor smokes  (Read 4236 times)

Offline hfm

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Re: When the neighbor smokes
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2014, 12:46:26 AM »
I know that it's a trend and will increase greatly in the future, but as a former smoker, I wrestle with that decision. People's right to smoke in their own apartments vs. people's right to not smell someone else's smoke. It's a slippery slope, what will be banned next?

I'm a former smoker as well (10 years cold turkey!). I do feel like the line should be drawn when your actions impact someone else's health and happiness in a negative way. I'm sure there's something this person can do to minimize the effects of the smoke on their neighbors. People cook rather smelly things in my building once in a while, but that's food. We can smell the downstairs neighbors cigarettes once in a while as well, but I know there's not much I can do.

I don't think we're going to get widespread agreement on this one it is tricky.

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Re: When the neighbor smokes
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2014, 07:35:10 AM »
I'm a former smoker as well (10 years cold turkey!). I do feel like the line should be drawn when your actions impact someone else's health and happiness in a negative way.
I don't think we're going to get widespread agreement on this one it is tricky.

First off, congrats on your 10 years! I have 3 years completely smoke free, and 5 years if you skip that little cheating pack I bought. I needed the gum to quit. I definitely would be vaping if they had it when I quit.

Anyway, I agree with your last sentence about no widespread agreement. As far as drawing the line when your actions impact someone else's happiness, that is where the problem comes in. Who gets to decide that? The lady upstairs from me stomps around at 4 AM, that makes me unhappy. It could be argued that my loss of sleep impacts my health. But do I really have the right to tell her to stay in bed till I get up at 5? I sleep late on the weekends, can she not walk around until 8 then? I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, but I think you can see my point.

The argument about what's acceptable to do in a tightly-packed city will not soon be settled.

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Re: When the neighbor smokes
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2014, 11:25:49 PM »
I'm a former smoker as well (10 years cold turkey!). I do feel like the line should be drawn when your actions impact someone else's health and happiness in a negative way.
I don't think we're going to get widespread agreement on this one it is tricky.

First off, congrats on your 10 years! I have 3 years completely smoke free, and 5 years if you skip that little cheating pack I bought. I needed the gum to quit. I definitely would be vaping if they had it when I quit.

Anyway, I agree with your last sentence about no widespread agreement. As far as drawing the line when your actions impact someone else's happiness, that is where the problem comes in. Who gets to decide that? The lady upstairs from me stomps around at 4 AM, that makes me unhappy. It could be argued that my loss of sleep impacts my health. But do I really have the right to tell her to stay in bed till I get up at 5? I sleep late on the weekends, can she not walk around until 8 then? I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, but I think you can see my point.

The argument about what's acceptable to do in a tightly-packed city will not soon be settled.

I agree, I just write it all off as part of living in close quarters. I just try to be as respectful as possible. Quiet shoes or flip flops inside, keep the tv/music lower at night and respectful during the day, don't leave my clothes in the washer/dryer for 2 hours after it's done.. the simple stuff...

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Re: When the neighbor smokes
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2014, 01:40:15 AM »
 sorry was my poor remark no insult intended